Exploding figures

Hi everyone,
Occasionally a figure will explode when I move it. It doesn't happen very often and it's not a dforce thing. When it happens basically the file is useless and I have to start over. It's not a very common occurance but I'm wondering if it's happened to anyone else and if they found a reason for it.
One thing I just noticed this time is that the figure is selected, when I move it the clothes move but not the figure and then it explodes. I'm not sure if that has always happened.
I think I know what you mean, the file gets corrupted and the figure falls to pieces. If you drag the head in the viewport teeth and eyeballs remain in place and everything else moves. Pretty scary stuff. However it seems to be OpenGL related, or something, as it still renders ok, atleast in 3DL. This often happens to me in DS4.9.2.70 if I first load a character, then load a environmental subset. If I first load the subset and merge the character into the scene everything works ok. If this happens with a new scene you've just created and not saved, don't save the scene, save as materials preset, pose preset, shaping preset and wearables preset and so on. Then delete the character and load the base figure and apply all the saved presets to it. Then it should work and you can save it as a scene.
If anyone has a better solution or workaround please share!