hi can someone help me please very upset with putting stitches on my jacket

ok here it is i want to put my own stitches on this jacket from daz studio with iray leather shaders but what happens is when i apply the shaders
i have no place to put the stitches cause now you cant see the diagram of the jacket
you only see the texture in the difffuse surface and the bump map is leathure texture. so pleas can please someone help me with this
thanks so much
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
i am using sveva iray shiny leather shader
ok heres the thing i am trying to put stitches on my jacket with iray leather shaders when i apply the shaders
i cant see the diagram anymore so idont know where to put them can someone please help me with this thanks so much
Moved to Daz Studio Discussion as it is a question, not a Product Suggestion.
How are you placing stitches in the first place?
i am using photoshop brushes to put the stitches on but the iray shaders covers them up
so i dont know what to do to avoid that
What are you painting on? if you are painting in an editor just apply the stitches to one layer, with the template visible on a lower layer, and then add a further layer between the two for the leather texture (or, if you want to see the texture too lower its opacity). Texturing really has to be done in an editor that supports layers.
hi this jacket has no template unfortunately
So what lines were you painting over? What software are you using the brushes in?
oh photoshop the brushes are from daz studio i thinks its called notions
OK, so what are you using to guide the placement of strokes, before adding the leather material? Are you using the 3D tools in Photoshop? If so do they not support layers? If they do support layers then my previous comment - hide the leather, paint on your stitches, then show the elather as a layer underneath the stitching - applies.
i put the stitches on the texture from the jacket how do i paint the stitches
I'm sorry but that really isn't at all clear. Do you mean you took the texture file into Photoshop and painted the sttiches on top of it? if so, just paint on a new layer instead of diectly onto the texture and you can then replace the texture image with an alternative. If the issue is that the leather shader needs tot ile you can either tile it in Photoshop or, if you are using Iray, you can edit the tiling on a per-map basis.
yes thats what i did
ok so your saying put the stitches on the texture and replace it in photoshop with my iray texture is that what you mean
Yes, in the Layers pane click the new icon to add a new layer and paint the stitches on that. You can then either add the new leather texture on a layer under that and export it as a new map for the jacket, or you can make a copy of the stitching layer, lock transparency (icon at the top of the layers pane), and fill it with white to make a mask, add a solid black layer below both the stitches layers, and then export two images - one with black layer and stitches visible, one with black layer and white layer visible. That will give you an image and mask which you can use in the Layered Image Editor to add the stitching to any texture on the jacket.
ok so i open up photoshop with my iray leather texture make a new layer paint the stitches on the iray leather texture is that what you mean
Paint the stitches on the new layer. That keeps them separate from the existing texture, so you can swap the textures around without losing the stitches..
would you be able to do a tutorial for me i still cant do i the stitches dont show up
i dont understand
I think the problem is that it's still not really very clear what it is that you're trying to do and where you're getting stuck. I'd really suggest starting from the beginning and explaining what you're loading, how you're applying the shader, and then what you're getting stuck on. You've mentioned not being able to see the diagram and I don't think we're clear on what outline you mean. If you can post some screenshots that would also be really helpful.
i will do that ty so much
ok heres the jacket iam using. so this.i what i want to do, i want to use sveva iray shiny leather shaders on this jacket
and put the stitches on the jacket to make designs on the jacket to make it more realistic looking but when i do that
the diagram of the jackets gets replaced by the iray shaders. and the stitches wont show up . thats what i am having a problem with
What do you mean by the "diagram of the jackets"? Where are you replacing the materials - in DS? Then how do you get them to Photoshop for painting? What tools or modes are you using (in Photoshop) to paint with? I would think there's a good chance that the leather materials are not a ssimple imaeg palced on the jacket, but rather that they are a set of textues and that they tile (that is, a unit square is repeated across the surface) in which case, as I mentined above, you may have trouble adding a non-tiling stitching layer (where you don't want the pattern to repeat in blockes).
I suggest that you go to the New Users Contest forum and read through some of the Challenges that they have done on materials and shaders.
This was the latest one https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/208206/november-2017-daz-3d-new-user-challenge-materials/p1
These challenges are designed as a ongoing tutorial to help people get to grips with aspects of the program. If you read through the thread I have linked you may get some hints, if not then look for the previous years challenge on the same subject and read thropugh that WIP thread.
The shader use their own textures to get the leather effect, so when you apply them to the figure it's normal that they replace your texture.