L.I.E Settings

I have created a LIE face texture for the G8F.

Is there a way, to create a Rem(ove) function for this texture, to avoid the manual erasing in the surface tab?

I have tried to load the texture, manualy remove it in the surface tab and save it as LIE preset. Main problem is, if I use this preset on a other G8F figure (in my example the She Orc), the surface settings from that figure get overwriten from the base G8F surface settings.  :(

453 x 441 - 37K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    Layered presets are for adding layers, if you want to remove them all you can reapply the base but I don't think there's a built-in way to clear only soem layers (a custom script might do it).

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 657

    I was afraid to get this answer, but I make my curiosity when I load my LIE again on the She Orc char, her skin is restored with the original setting.
    Could it be possible to use that script for a rem preset?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    Reapplying the base materials file will replace the layered image with the default image. It was seelctively replacing soem layers while leaving others that I was saying would be tricky, since I wasn't sure whether you wanted that or to go back to just the base map.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 657

    Maybe I don't say correctly what I mean, since english is not my native language.
    When I first load my LIE texture to any G8F (Kim, She Orc, etc. it will applied on the texture from that product. 
    As I triedd my empty texture, the Lie texture fanish, but the facemap from the product was replaced from the base G8F facemap. 
    But now comes the curious point. When I again apply my Lie texture on the product with the wrong face skin, the LIE texture AND original face skin from the product will be restored.
    So I think, there must be a possibily to restore the original skin from the product without load it new or remove the LIE texture manualy in Layered Image Editor.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    You've saved this as a Layered Image(s) preset?

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 657

    You've saved this as a Layered Image(s) preset?

    What do you mean?

    I saved my LIE texture on the G8F as LIE preset.

    It seem to work on all G8F, no matter which skin she have.

    As I said, to remove my LIE texture I saved a empty texture on the G8F. On the base G8F this preset works fine and remove my LIE texture when I click on it.

    But when I try this on another G8F, with her own skin, like the She Orc, I get the result that I posted above.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    I'm not sure what an empty preset would include - I don't think this is something that should be expected to work, though that may be incorrect. My understanding has always been that layered presets are cumulative, that's their whole point - to add new maps without disturbing what is there.

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