Facegen questions

I am currently playing with facegen and it does not seem to work for daz. I open daz but there is no dial. I exported it to the default location, even copied it to Genesis 3 male model folder etc and nothing. I practically put it everywhere I could to no avail. Funnily enough, I even put it where most of my typical morphs are and it still doesn't work. I even dragged it into the scene on a model and nothing again. Is there another route?


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    Go to the parameters tab in DAZ Studio with a model selected that will use your FaceGen export and then search for the parameter name in the search box at the top of that tab that your named your FaceGen export when you exported it from FaceGen to DAZ Studio to begin with. 

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370

    That is the issue it doesn't exist. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    I suggest then you contact FaceGen support with carefully written step by step explanation of your use of FaceGen and DAZ Studio, making screen shots where needed to make things clearer for their support. They then should be able to help you resolve your problem.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370

    I mean step by step is I open the software, fiddle with it and then save it to a default location. It does not work, so I copy that folder to other places seeing if it would work and that does not work and then I go screw it. 

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