exporting fbx into 3dsmax

Hello everyone,

  Since I'm fairly new to Daz3d I'm having an issue exporting a set of animated epic wings as FBX format, and then importing into 3dsmax 2010 32bit. I get the wings to import, but they have no textures nor has the animation imported. They're just static wings. I don't have a clue on how to get the texture maps to apply to their perspective sectons, and the wings to fold per the animation. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • JD_MortalJD_Mortal Posts: 760
    edited April 2018

    FBX should retain the texture-mapping... You may still have to apply, or adjust the texture shaders, once imported.

    This may help??? or not...


    This may help too... or not...

    Texture-maps and shaders are not the same. Texture-maps are just the orientation of how a texture, within a shader, is applied to the surfaces. The shaders actually determine what textures and "effects", with those textures, are applied to the surfaces. Daz uses some custom shaders that ONLY work in DAZ. Though, I think they also have standard shader-types that other programs can read, and apply. (I have no clue how to force those to be used, or how compatable they actually are. That also depends on the program you are importing into. If they don't use standard shaders, than you have to make them all from scratch, for that program you are importing into.)

    I am not sure about the bone rigging and weight-maps. That is what controls the "motion". It is not normal that an item just instantly work, when exporting from one program and importing into another, without some manual "fixing".

    You would want to use a "Bridge", to retain whatever you can, from one program to another. Daz doesn't have a bridge for Max, that I know of. Though, there are limits to every program.

    Post edited by JD_Mortal on
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