Moving my Daz Library to another drive?

I need to move my library to a larger drive. Are there any program settings that will allow Daz to "see" the new location? Or some other way to map it? I don't want to accidentally make Daz blind to all my content and files. :-/
Edit>Preferences (Daz Studio>Prefrences for the Mac), go to the Content tab, and click the Content Directory Manager button. You can then add, remove, or edit paths under the current set using the buttons down the side. Note, if you installed with DIM, that its manifests store the absolute location instead of the location within the content directory used in DS, so updates will be isntalled to the old location unless you click the gear icon at top-right to open prefrences and in the Installation tab change the Content Updates option to Install to Selected Path - and if an update needs to remove a file and not replace it DIM won't be able to do so.
Thanks, Richard. In the event that DIM wants to delete a file, would it give me a notice so I could do it manually?
Well, not in the UI - it probably would be in the log, which can be accessed from preferences (the gear icon at top-right).