Rigging clothing not modelled in default pose

Hello all,
I need some help to rig an arm sling prop for V4. Due to the nature of the item there was really no other option than to model the sling on a posed figure and this is now giving me quite some trouble.
I found this post which helped me part of the way. But it seems I cannot figure out how to do the “reverse the pose on the rigged clothing ” step properly. I can match the bone positions by running a Fit to- action to a T-posed V4, but the sling is not deforming back to its original shape If I load again the bent arm pose into the V4. What am I missing here?
One thing I noticed and which might be related is that when baking the joints, some of the posed bones get visually flipped around. Maybe this is causing some of the problems?
To summarize, my workflow so far has been:
- import V4 with posed arm
- import sling prop as obj
- bake joint rotations in V4
- use transfer tool with default settings from V4 to sling
- delete V4
- adjust sling weights (gradient between Neck and Left ForeArm)
- import base V4 to get back the default T-pose
- fit sling to V4
- bake joint rotations in sling (tried also without, different result but still wrong)
- load bent arm pose to V4
- observe the mess

The Transfer utility is for weight-mapped figures, Victoria 4 uses parametric rigging.
Thank you for your quick reply. So does this mean I am attempting to do here something completely impossible?
That's what I do:
1.) Modelling my obj against the figure pose I want
2.) Use transfer utility with figure: "current" and "reverse source shape from target" options checked
(Figure and obj need to be in the posed position used for modeling :)
3.) Now your obj should fit to the figure but the mesh looks maybe no longer perfect but abit deformed, if that happens re-import your clean mesh again with "update base mesh"
4.) Now the obj is clean but the bones don't fit anymore, if that happens transfer the rig of the Gen figure again with "figure shape":
- select the Genesis figure first then your obj (both need to be highlighted but the Genesis figure first!)
- go to "edit" - "rigging" - "transfer rigging (figure shape)" and the bones should be all set now with a clean, undeformed mesh.
5.) The rest is done the usual way with the weight map editor...
I think a mor realistic approach would be to perhaps rig the top to Victroia 4, make the lower sections custom bones for adjustment*, and then pose the arm and the custom sling bones for each render; another option might be to apply a dForce modifier and use a weight map to make the lower sections dynamic.
* Figure Setup pane, import the Victoria 4 model from the scene, import your model (which must be grouped) into the geoemtry area by right-click, drag onto the geometry entry in the realtionship s area, delete unneeded bones, add (if need be) and place bones for custom bones and set their rotation order (probably yzx, children of the chest bone would be the obvious placement), click Modify Selected figure, and then Create. Use the Joint Editor tool to adjust the origins and end points for the custom bones and to adjust the falloffs for all bones.
Thank you very much to both of you for suggesting solutions, much appreciated. I will test them out as soon as I can, but I'm sure at least one of them will work for my case. If not, then now I know where to get help quickly. Thanks again!