can you help us out again please

It's that time again.   The time I ask if you carrara peeps would like to come and vote in the Bryce render challenge

Pwetty pwease






  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited April 2018

    Of course.

    I looked over the 31 entries (a nice number!), but when I went to vote, there were only 28 choices.  So I went back to the entries, and then reloaded the voting file.  This time there was 31.  Just reporting this in case someone else experiences it.

    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • Done
  • Philemo_CarraraPhilemo_Carrara Posts: 1,175
    edited April 2018
    Double post, sorry
    Post edited by Philemo_Carrara on
  • Double post, sorry
  • Voted. Some hard choices there. Lot's of great renders!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,125

    Voted - very inspiring work.  Will have to participate in one of these.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 7,988



    wax on
    wax off


    I like wax on yes

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,334

    Voted, very nice work.

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