Old poser stuff compatibility. What will the future bring?

MGCJerryMGCJerry Posts: 28
edited April 2018 in Daz Studio Discussion

I'm not active in the community, or following current applications and products. I still have my old massive Poser 4 library as well as Poser 6 being my previous go-to program. I managed to find bugs back in the Transposer days for Carrara5 and rearranged all my content/runtimes to accommodate that bug that is no longer an issue. I've been playing with Studio 4.10 recently and all my old figures seem to work ok except for scaling issues that are easily resolved. Poser 6's absolute scaling vs Studio's relative scaling for when a base figure is resized to say 87% (poser needs conformed clothing scaled to 87%, studio needs it at 100%). Anyway... Yea, I go through phases where I wont touch this stuff for a couple years, which brings me to this question.

I know this stuff moves fairly rapidly and is always updating and improving and taking advantage of much more capable technology I would've loved a decade ago. At which point will old Poser (3, 4, 5, & 6) content cease to work correctly? Has anyone found old poser content that just simply doesn't work in Studio? Or is old stuff like this simply so old and simple that it will be usable in newer versions...? I'm pretty sure poser specific features only work in poser, and I have no clue what version that is at now, if its still a thing.

Speculate away...

After playing with 4.8 then updating to 4.10... and then taking a look at Studio 0.9.0, wow what a change!...

Post edited by MGCJerry on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,853
    edited April 2018

    Poser is at version 11 now.

    The main incompatibilities are more about items made for newer versions of Poser: they introduced their version of weightmapping in Poser 9, and it is not compatible with DS.

    Items from old versions of Poser usually still work in DS 4.10 as they did in older versions: there can be differences with scaling, material room shaders are not compatible, pmd morph injection doesn't work, hair room items are not compatible, dynamic clothes are static props (well, unless you try to use dForce on them). There are sometimes problems with items using geometry switching too.

    edit: and yes, DS has definitely gone a long way since  the first betas ;)

    Post edited by Leana on
  • MGCJerryMGCJerry Posts: 28

    Ah, there's a name I haven't seen in awhile. Thanks for the reply Leana. That is as I suspected.

    So as far as the generation 3&4 figures (pre genesis) the INJ/REM morphs dont work. So you'll have to inject the morphs in a figure in poser, save it, then load it into studio before you can do anything with the morphs? The current morphs in my figures (David, Steph3 petite, V3 & M3) seem to work ok with the morphs that I have already injected.

    Thanks again

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Yes the morphs work.  Generation 4 figures use ExP system that allows them to have any number of new morphs but the morphs must be installed to the library that the figures are in and that library cannot be in one of Windows' protected system folders like Program Files and Program Files (x86).

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,853
    edited April 2018
    MGCJerry said:

    So as far as the generation 3&4 figures (pre genesis) the INJ/REM morphs dont work. So you'll have to inject the morphs in a figure in poser, save it, then load it into studio before you can do anything with the morphs? The current morphs in my figures (David, Steph3 petite, V3 & M3) seem to work ok with the morphs that I have already injected.

    Most morphs for generation 3 and 4 figures will work well in DS. The only ones which don't work are the ones using pmd injection.

    Basically, in order to inject a morph in a gen3/4 figure you need to have a corresponding morph channel. V3/M3 had a fixed-set of channels corresponding to her base morph packs and a few "community channels" for custom morphs in their cr2, and when you needed additionnal channels you had to provide a new cr2 with the new channels. With V4/M4 DAZ created the "Exp" morph system which created the list of morph channels based on which morphs you had installed when you ran the "initialize" bat file. Those two kind of morphs still work well in DS.

    However there's another possibility to supply custom morphs which is specific to poser: the custom morph is saved as a pmd file (poser's external binary morph format introduced in P6), and the INJ pose to apply that custom morph will create the required channel for the new morph on the fly, then load it from the pmd. That system doesn't work in DS. There are a few morph packs for V4 in the store here using this format (mostly coming from the RDNA merger), like Wicked Women 2 or V4 Ultra aging morphs and the rest of RDNA Ultra morphs for V4.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    There is another form of "INJection morph" that Studio can't use, a PZ2 that has the correct actor and targetGeom data, regardless of the channel name, will be slotted directly into the figure in Poser 9+, Studio needs the channels to exist in the figure before it will even look at the file.

    While there isn't a one click solution, getting most of the things mentioned in this thread into Studio can be done, it just takes time, effort and knowledge to do it.

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