Marverllous designer. multiple bdm

here's what i did
1. use minto young (g8f)
2. configure some other body things (bodybuild, massive, Xaviera)
3. add swimsuit (g3f)
4. make swimsuit much nicer by Marverllous designer
5. port back to daz and fit to her
6. port pro morph to swimsuit (which i made with marverllous designer)
7. slide swimsuit to 100 (which is make her fit)
8. it doesn't fit at all
9. it fit, if it not fitted (fit function) to minto body however the swimsuit can't morph move around with her body
little hepl here D:
Did you reverse the currently used morphs when you created your own morph? If no, that the problem: when you fit the swimsuit to the character it's already adjusted to fit the morphs you use, so when you apply your morph which also contains those adjustment they are basically doubled.
i make the morph that i made at swimsuit to 0 (like massive bodybuilder etc etc) and the swimsuit made shape but it's way offset. what should i do about this? D:
What do you mean by offset? Leana is pointing you to a specific option in Morph Loader Pro which will cancel out modifications to the mesh already present, leaving only the chanegs (in your case) from Marvellous Designer.
this thing happen
I made all cloth's morph (massive, bodybuild etc) to zero and only 100% for swimsuit fit which i made in MD
and it's offset like that.
You need to leave the morphs in place, then in the Morph Loader Pro dialogue you expand the options for the OBJ after selecting it and check Reverse Deformations.
Please make sure you switch the display to Smooth Shaded if you need to post a screen shot with a (partially) nude figure.
i can see axis conversion only but can't find reverse deformations.
nvm figured sorry.
and if you don't mind please let me know how to smooth shaded so i don't make another mistake of this.
this one also figured. i accidently knew by changing rendering from IRAY
I reverse it but it stay on her crotch still. what should i do next D:
nvm it's fixed for some how... what's going on here D:
So it isn't working at all, or it is working only partially?
it was not working at all even i did what you adviced but after 2~3times i retry it. it suddenly work it perfectly. the swimsuit matched her perfectly and it move smooth with her body moves.