Render time optimisation Iray engine (resolved)

I have many time problems since few days.
Render time is longer. My driver is update (nvidia GTX 970 4GO) windows 7 64 bits is updated too.
My latest render was at 50% after 15h... :( I use Dazstudio to create content but i use it for illustration (cover books, poster...) so i need big render scale? It was the first time i have this problem with all renders.
Have you got a solution to optimise time rendering ?
Post edited by Nathy Design on
The best advice I can offer is to keep the contents of the scene small enough to fit in your graphics card memory, so the scene renders with the graphics card and not the CPU. The Scene Optimizer is helpful in that regard.
The Daz forum is full of tips for faster rendering. Do a Google search and include Something like "faster iray render" will turn up lots of suggestions. No need to try to repeat everything again here.
Scene Optimizer is indeed invaluable!
I hadn't problem before these latest days.
I found where is the problem... nvidia driver... :( GPU engine didn't work and yesterday Nvidia proposed a new driver. After install i have not problem.
I would look into the next "Beta release", of Daz, when it is open to the public. Version 4.11.xx
It has a more recent IRAY core, which helps 9xx, 10xx, Titan and Volta cards with lost-performance. (Performance lost, for compatability and due to fallback from "buggy code".)
I lose my cards, randomly, in Daz3D. When I don't lose them, they can get "buggy", after a few renderings, when I change many settings fast, and I am in IRAY-Preview-mode. A quick save and restart of Daz, or even the computer, often fixes the issue. (Bad memory clean-up, or just silent crashing of IRAY/Daz core components.)
Also remeber, the larger you render, the more your values in the advanced settings will matter, for image-thresholds. Larger scenes will demand larger uncompressed images, since they now "fit" in the larger view. (As opposed to being compressed, when they are just within a small rendering screen.) Where it may normally be compressing those 5000x5000 images into 512x512, now it is using the actual 5000x5000 or 2048x2048 images, on every shader-zone, in every shader-material. It is exponintial, if you have multiple image-maps per shader. (Bumps, normals, diffuse, gloss-maps...etc.)
Problem was driver.... i thought i lost my cart but it was not? I made many test, closed Daz, reboot PC and my renders wera very very low... more low than CPU render.... :( so i was desperate. I couldn't work anymore so i went to nvidia driver site and and load the latest driver and i have not problem. :D