Aux Viewport or Multiple Viewports

Is there a way to split off Aux Viewport and make it its own thing. As in how in basic 3d programs you can have multiple viewports. Is there a way to do that. The Aux seems to be linked to the other viewport which is pointless. I would like to have a model quad viewport. Constantly rotating is an annoyance. If I could split off my viewports and use them how I wish I could just put them in certain spots so I no longer have to worry about rotating moving panning squinting as often. I feel like it should be a thing but I have no clue where to look. Is it a thing?


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,163

    Top menu Window/Viewports.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370

    Thank you. I know I know silly me lol. 

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370

    They are not separated if you choose two of the same views. I was hoping for that. Guess I go with what I have. 

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    if understand you right

    you think about having mutiple aux viewports referring to the splitted viewport

    i thought about that too

    but i think its not possible

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