OptiTex items don't load anymore?

I have some old OptiTex dynamic cloth items that worked until recently when my harddrive got wiped. I've since reinstalled everything, but these item won't load. When I try to load them I either get just a thing labeled "rig" or nothing at all.
If you have the Dynamic Clothing Control plug-in have you re-entered its serial number in Help>About Installed plug-ins? You can get the number from your Account page, or by right-click on the entry in DIM.
Here's the thing: Do I need it to use the items? I only have the serial numbers for the Daz 2 and 3 version, not Daz 4.10.
Make sure you down load the correct version of the plugin for the version of DS that you are using.
Current version of DS4 is DS
Current version of the Dynamic Clothing Control plugin is
In case you get multiple versions of the plugin and DS backed up and you get confused as to what goes with what, the last 3 numbers is the clue as to what version of DS its for.
I have the right version, I just don't have the serial number for it.
The serial number has not changed recently - you want the one starting SDZDCCT.
Ah ha. I wasn't entering the number right. For some reason I thought I had to click the check mark next to it. Didn't even think to click okay.