Returning user with questions
Hi all! I've been away from DS for several years, have had multiple computers since, and so I don't have any of my original stuff to go off of. Can anyone point me to some good guides on how to use the surface sliders, like glossiness, specular, ambient, etc?
Right now I'm trying to wrap my head around the new DS layout, everything is in a different place!
Is V4 pretty much obsolete now?
Edit: woo hoo! My avatar! Does anybody know where to find the lekku pictured there? I thought I'd lost that picture!
Post edited by stacy_19201325_fa4e2e7e4e on
Comments Surface Pane though for DS3 the info is still valid.
V4; well for many no.
Avatar; no idea what you are refering to. :- )
Also with the layout you can change it, Window > Workpace > Select Layout and also Window > Style >Select Style. In that same menu you have the ability to save your Layout and Style after customising it. You can drag and drop panes, toolbars to suit you needs and then save that Layout etc. So if you change something accidently or need to reset the layout you can do so with one click.
Your old files are still available to you. You can log into your account and download everything you purchased through Daz. If you use the install manager, much of your files will show in the download list. Some stuff has not been converted over yet but that list gets smaller every day.
That's exactly what I was looking for, thank you!
my pleasure Stacy Lynn
Another Q - how do I get eyes to point at the camera?
In the scene tab drill down through the bones until you find the eyes and select them both then on the Paramters tab under Misc change the Point At to to the camera.
Of course if your camera is at a strange angle that can cause the eye's to go all wonky.
I seem to remember someone saying something about nulls and pointing the eyes at a null just in front of the camera, or something like that.
The better way is to position the Null just inside or behind the Camera. I'm not sure why but that gives that effect of look at the camera man not the camera as suggested in TV. Also a better Eye pointer is a three null rig. Load your Figure create a LEFT null position just in front of the left eye then Create a Right Null, position just in front the right eye, now create a Handle Null position it just in front of and between the other two nulls. Now parent the Left and Right to the Handle. Then do Point at for left eye to LEFT and right to Right. You move the Handle Null as you like and the eyes follow. You can also then tilt or rotate the EYE set for many more eye effects than just a basic Single Null.
Here is my Basic Rig in Viewport and the Scene Tree.
Can you parent the handle to the camera also so they always follow when you move the camera?
I see no reason you couldn't. Just remember to position and test before you decide to Parent. I use a Eye rig for most renders, even ones that have the figure looking at objects. I position the rig just behind the focus item and rotate the rig so it is aimed at the Figures eyes. I do most of my positioning in Perspective view and then go back to my Render Camera for a test render.
Thanks. I'll have to give these eye nulls a shot some time.
I do the same thing, position in perspective, render through the camera. Now that I actually remember to right click > drag the mouse over camera pan I can zoom in/out faster too than using the mouse wheel.
A lot of us old-timers have been very vocal ever since D|S4.0 about missing the old Classic arrangement. The closest we've got so far is to change the Layout to City Limits and the Style to Highway or Darkside (whichever you prefer) — these options are on the Window menu in D|S. After that, it's a simple matter of juggling and docking tabs until you get close enough to what you're used to.