Requested Web Store Features

Make an investment today by developing and programming so you can save time and money in customer service and then keep on saving.

The following features will prevent consumer errors and improve shopping experience.

1) If I put a starter/pro bundle in my cart, then 1) remove the starter/pro bundles items from being displayed in the store page OR 2) in the event an item in the starter/pro bundle is added then give the shopper a message, "That item is apart of the pro bundle and it is already in your cart" and don't add it the cart allowing the consumer to pay for the item twice.

2) On the main shopping page provide a shopper the option to switch between seeing the store as we see it today, i.e. a list of products and the option to see the pro or starter bundles in their own section on the store page and the rest of the products below it, without the server presenting a new web form or page but rather stay on the existing web form or page and rearrange the presentation of the data. The shopper should be able to page forward and back again without losing the chose option.

3) Whenever there is a new outfit and there is texture set add on, always keep these two items side by side as opposed scattered about the web page forcing the user to look for it. In addition to the product name, for example, "Fantasy Adventure Outfit Textures" add a visible text that clearly says, "This is a texture set for product Fantasy Adventure Outfit" without having to click on the product and seeing these facts on the product detail web form or page. An exception to the side by side busines rule would be where the outfit is apart of a pro/starter bundle and the texture set is not apart of the a pro/starter bundle. In this case the outfit in the view option section (described above in point 2) would present the shopper text, "A texture set for this product is available called, Fantasy Adventure Outfit Textures".

Now that I got this out. I am going to open a customer service ticket to address this very problem when I purchased Mika 8. Have a great day!


  • jaxprog said:

    Make an investment today by developing and programming so you can save time and money in customer service and then keep on saving.

    The following features will prevent consumer errors and improve shopping experience.

    1) If I put a starter/pro bundle in my cart, then 1) remove the starter/pro bundles items from being displayed in the store page OR 2) in the event an item in the starter/pro bundle is added then give the shopper a message, "That item is apart of the pro bundle and it is already in your cart" and don't add it the cart allowing the consumer to pay for the item twice.

    2) On the main shopping page provide a shopper the option to switch between seeing the store as we see it today, i.e. a list of products and the option to see the pro or starter bundles in their own section on the store page and the rest of the products below it, without the server presenting a new web form or page but rather stay on the existing web form or page and rearrange the presentation of the data. The shopper should be able to page forward and back again without losing the chose option.

    3) Whenever there is a new outfit and there is texture set add on, always keep these two items side by side as opposed scattered about the web page forcing the user to look for it. In addition to the product name, for example, "Fantasy Adventure Outfit Textures" add a visible text that clearly says, "This is a texture set for product Fantasy Adventure Outfit" without having to click on the product and seeing these facts on the product detail web form or page. An exception to the side by side busines rule would be where the outfit is apart of a pro/starter bundle and the texture set is not apart of the a pro/starter bundle. In this case the outfit in the view option section (described above in point 2) would present the shopper text, "A texture set for this product is available called, Fantasy Adventure Outfit Textures".

    Now that I got this out. I am going to open a customer service ticket to address this very problem when I purchased Mika 8. Have a great day!

    I agree with number one. Number two, not really something I'd like, as I really dislike the scrolling top sellers thing as it is. Three is already handlled to an extent, as texture addons released the same day are usually linked to on a particular item's store page.

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