Clothings which fit well without smoothing modifier,,,

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
edited July 2013 in Product Suggestions

Nowdays,, I think if vendor make their product with assumptions user must use smooth modifier?

Actually the tool is powerful, but I think usually,, we need not use this tool.

As for me,, when I set pozing, then I can not remove the problem easy,, I may use smooth modifier.
I think ,, smooth modifier is one of option to modify easy for some extra condition.

eg,, when I use Auto fit conformed clothing,, or apply extra character morph,, or,, clouching style for long dress etc.

But I hope,, when I use the clothing with the figure which desigend for,
even though I do not apply smooth modifier,, the clothing need to fit well for the figure.

and I hope , clothings which have more adjusting morphs for many pozing and character moprh, or
dresss (or with loin) which have good ghost rigs which do not follow Actor rig movements ,
but manually easy tweaking for many poze. than clothings which just rely on smoothing modifier. and
auto generated morphs.

I do not think,,, every vendor rely too much on smooth modifier, and genesis auto compatibiliteis,

but Actually some vendor seems to offer product which must need to apply smooth modifier
even though wear on usuall character, and not pozing so hard.

and these product often cause difficulity when apply original character morphs.
I know many vendor make morphs for some vase character,, to overwrite and modify generated morphs,
but it can only work for the character morphs.. it can not follow geneis and gen2F Varieties.

I think,, the adjustment morphs is more worth than customized character morphs
when We use genesis, and genesis2.

Post edited by kitakoredaz on


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    I 100% agree there.

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Something that may be of interest for those with the Genesis Supersuit on using the suit for clothing deformation.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,120
    edited December 1969

    the assumption is one will use it in Daz studio for still poses
    but for animators using other software, most often Carrara, sometimes iClone and Poser, this simply does not work well,
    hiding body parts or creating new shading domains or opacity maps on figures just hiding clothed bits my usual workaround.
    even in studio I find the smoothing modifier struggles with animation.
    a well made and properly conformed clothing article is always preferable.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Hi all ,, I can not reply well for each what I think but thank you mcuh.

    then I show one typical example. If vendor really care about pozing ,, they can reduce them,
    not specaill way. they can offer as one of option. then it depend on user who use it or not.

    it is simple. morph for pozing. if vendor like set ERC,, they can do it too.
    but not need necessalily.

    and not need to change rigs ( if they do not like to use ghost rigs for other problems.
    I know,,ghost rigs have another problem too. so that it can not be answer for all purpse.
    so Wendy ,I uderstand it too.. I want to show my view about the ghost rigs problems too,,
    but I can not say well ^^;)

    see tow picture.
    1. is original product. it is just one of example. I think many product offered like that.
    the problem is clear,, and we often show the problem not only for long skirt,,
    the clothings perfeclty ignore gravity.

    (and there is one more problem,, it coloerd a littel weight map for r-shin too,, no need ^^;
    the faces move when rotate r-shin too,,,
    but vendor may ingore,, when apply smooth modifier,, they seems not check with option
    coloerd vertices,, it seems mistake,, but I often see such just transer wieght map products,, )

    then,,, about main problems,, the solution seems easy..

    the answer is pic two.

    if vendor offer simple morph for thin bend,, it can remove the problem easy.
    and it depend on user which use it or not.. it keep the original product weight map,
    and rig. so there seems no prolbem to use other aprication. (not cause anotehr problems)

    (I may set Erc with thin rotation, and one more controller ,
    which offer option remove the morph if user do not hope to use. and adjust value,.

    So that I really hope vendor offer these morphs for pozing like hair product,,,

    it seems most simple but applicable for many usage.

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  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2013

    Has all DS users forgotten Defomers? For Still images they are Ideal and for Animations you have the option of saving as a Morph in the item.

    That said I'm with the Better clothing thing.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    I'm not familiar with saving morph of deformer. I haven't seen anything on that. Do you happen to have a link where someone shows this?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Hi Jaderlail.. Of course we (many ds user) can use D-foremer and know well how it work,,
    or other 3d tools to make morph.

    ( there is no difference,,use D-former, or bridge plug in
    for more sophisticated 3d tools. Latice or smooth manipulate ,or if you hope more accurate morph about such case,,
    use blender shape key, then keep the part of mesh of back wards with zero poze
    which should not follow the Actor thin foward roation .

    mix front part mesh wihch follow the rigs . after that smooth joint area.
    then make morphs.. it can do more good work than D-former. how you try to adjust D-foremer field
    and tweak much,, we can not force buck surfaces to the zero position as same as before

    Gedd !! you know more and more about blender tools ^^; )

    Though D-former is good tool to use easy,, no need to export,,,
    but I do not hope to apply D-former everytime for almost every new skirt ,
    when I only to bend thin forward and buck.

    when I buy clothings , if I find good material preset,, ,, I feel happy.
    it is simply because,, daz products are expected not need to apply each texture maps
    for each surface group and properties by user. but when user hope to more originality
    we expect option which make easy to modify by themselfs. it is good products.

    the more vendor apply morphs for basic pozing,, the less we need to apply D-foemer etc.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    I believe you can easy understand,, ,, open D-foremer tool, then just spawn morphs. it turned to morph.

    I seems out of topic by my self ^^; I wanted to request not need to apply smoothing modifier, with basic poze,,
    I think,, there seems more product which made for the 4 th generation figure..
    they do not rely on smooth modifer,, but often offer with many morphs which can adjust easy,,,

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for the link. I'm familiar with the Deformer tool, I was wondering about the details specifically about saving to a morph. I could play with it and figure it out I'm guessing but if someone had done a demo of it, it would save me time.

    I see there's a 'Deformer Preset.' I'm wondering if it was an actual 'Morph Preset' or a 'Deformer Preset.'

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,901
    edited December 1969

    There is no perfect solution.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Mattymanx said:
    There is no perfect solution.
    I Agree with this. All we can do is the Best we can. I'm working on a basic Deformer to Morph in Clothing Tut with Images. It's taking a bit longer that I expected. But I will finish it. Carnites Deformer Tut (vidieo link above) Explains 99% of it but not all of it. Master that and your mostly there.
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    both of you veteran ,,

    gederlail and Mattymanx change meaning of my suggestion.
    Is it your intention?

    I do not ask here how to modify clothing shape by my self when pozing.

    D-former or,, edit ghost bones, or,, make morph ,,etc all may need to by user,
    lets challenge as you like.

    then I understand there is no perfect solution which can be answer for everything.

    but I say about product which daz and vendor sold us,
    and suggest not rely on much smoothing modifier,, when they release preoduct.

    They can do more test before apply smoothing modifier.

    they can offer simple moprhs did not they?

    after that,, if they need to apply smooth modifier,, lets do it.
    but it is not much meanig.. because, user can apply it by one or two steps.
    if user hope so.

    they simply save their effort about their product

    there is no reference,, how to reach perfect and just saving effort.

    I did not hope to say clear,, but you like to change point of topic.

    some of vendor did not check well with pozing. about their products.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,901
    edited December 1969

    I say there is no perfect solution cause there is no way to account for every possible way that a product will be used.

    In all honesty, it is difficult to say what someone did or did not do or that they could have done better if you do not understand the amount of time and effort involved in building content. Now please dont take that in any negative way cause I would like to suggest to you that you get a 3D modeler and make something. Not to say "see, I told you so" but instead for you to have a better apreciation for way is required to make it and all the hurdles you will encounter. It doesn't matter what you use but make something simple like a T-Shirt and a pair of pants for Genesis and see what you can do. But then be willing to have it scrutinized. There is nothing like a trial by fire to help one learn.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, but I do not need your sugesiton.

    why you like to mix up,, student of 3d art and customer often?

    I do not ask you any help.

    you say negative. what negative means ?

    somevendor offer product with many morphs .
    and no need to apply smooth modifier.
    they offer good weight maps.

    I think vendor are pro fessional. so that I buy products to use it.
    I buy time of them.

    somevendor just apply smooth modifier, then do not check well with pozing.

    why I need to make something simple like a T-Shirt and a pair of pants for Genesis and see what I can do.?

    I do not sell product . I do not hope to be 3d product vendor. it is not my work.

    are you thinking every user who buy daz product need to make by my self
    then suggest something? or you hope to be shut up all negative view about products?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    then,, why you need to say such preaching me?

    There is nothing like a trial by fire to help one learn.

    why you need to say me learn?

    I understand,, you really hope to be tacher of user,,
    or you think user are all students of yours.

    I simply feel complain about daz products figures nowdays as one of customer.

    When I buy product with my earned money,
    Vendor is not my teacher. OK? they are seller of products.

    your attitude seems like,, when user say some negative view about daz product,
    user must need to make by themself..
    if it has meaning, you never say any complain about all product in the world?
    can you make car? can you make professional PC game? can you make movie?
    can you make some coclail which can earn money?

    I never any suggesiton for daz product.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,901
    edited December 1969

    I'm sorry you dont like my suggestions/comments. Maybe I am just not understanding your original post.

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2013

    Mattymanx said:
    ... I would like to suggest to you that you get a 3D modeler and make something....

    Just for the record, Kitakoradaz does do some modeling, enough to support what his/her opinion is from what I've seen.

    Btw, love your lamaghini Matty :)

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,682
    edited July 2013

    I think I understand you, and if I do, I agree. Clothes used to at the very least have bend morphs built in, at least the ones I would buy. Mostly I would only buy clothes with many movement and open morphs as well as the bend morphs.

    Since genesis came out, I am seeing more and more clothing without even basic sculpted bend morphs, which may work *OK* for some skintight pants, they do not work for a lot of things and look bad. I really need to pay more attention to what I buy I guess, and try things out extensively before the 30 days is up, and return the subpar items.

    It's a shame really, a lot of the clothes look great, why I bought them, but are not really functional clothes, just like shrinkwrapped spandex or something. Also I have found I can't mix and match a lot of genesis clothes, because a lot of items don't have the old "widen morphs" or "tuck in" morphs for shirts for example, to work with different pants. I spend money on content so I don't have to do loads of work, I have to remember that lol, and not support vendors that make me have to work to make it look good.

    For example, this skirt here. There is like an inch gap all around the leg, how do you fix that?

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    Post edited by TheKD on
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