Genesis 8 Male Anatomical Elements Add On? (Not What you Think)

So to keep this as Safe for work as possible, I need to find gential options for the Genesis 8 male much like there are genital options for his female counterpart. I was told that the Michael 8 Pro Bundle gave me access to a male genitalia option, but I didn't want to buy the whole bundle so I just bought Micheal 8 only to see no such option.
Do I really need to buy the full bundle to get male genitalia options, or is there another product on the daz store that has such an option?
Please keep answers mature and professional, and no, I don't need this morph/addon for what you think I need it for.
Post edited by Chohole on
That actually was what most users here would think, since it's a fairly regular question. And yes, you do need to purchase the full Pro Bundle to get the genital figure produced by Daz.
Your other alternative would be to purchase such items from Renderotica, which I think is the only place that offers them separately. One or two of the options will allow you to use the textures that come with the characters here; others include textures that you'll need to tweak to match the underlying character.
Well [bother] that's a lot of cash to put down just to get a meat and two veg option. But I guess I can find uses for the other options in the bundle.
Funny, I was going to do a seperate thread asking if Renderotica was on the up and up as my search led me to there. Site came off as a bit sketchy. So it's safe to buy products on there?
Edited for profanity
I always wait until the pro version is on sale. I think I got mine 70% off or something like that when I purchased the bundle some time ago.
You don't have to buy the Michael 8 Pro bundle in particular. You can buy any of the adult male generation 8 pro bundles to get the genitals (Daz calls them Anatomical Elements). The genitals from any generation 8 pro bundle fit all generation 8 males. So, perhaps you'd prefer one of the other bundles, like Edward or Ollie.
I've bought stuff there over the years, and never had any problems (either with the items or with my card/security of the purchase), so yeah, they're as safe as any of the other big 3D sites.
Sometimes ago I asked a similar question. And if I remember correctly the genitals come from rendererotica. So just search there for Gen 8 male genitals (no idea how exactly they named the pack). From what I've seen they usually sell similar packs for about 10-15 dollars. Keep in mind all the genitals for Daz3D models are "slapped" above the original mesh, so if you export the models you may have problems.
Rotica is not sketchy, and they have quite a selection of naughty bits. Some of which even generate their own textures.
Daz 3d Anatomical elements are geografts, so they replace a part of the original mesh.
Alright so basically any gen 8 male bundle will have the anatomical addon that I need?
Thanks for that heads up!
any male gen 8 PRO bundle. Not Starter bundle, nor Base bundle - only the PRO bundles give the anatomical "addon".
Many figures come with special TEXTURES that then can be used on those genital meshes delivered exclusively with the PRO bundles.
Or just go to Renderotica and get one from there for a lower price and more functionality.
Any adult Pro bundle - teens/kids and some toony/stylised sets don't include the Anatomical Elements.
To be specific, at this point in time, the pro bundles that you can purchase from Daz to get the Genesis 8 Male Anatomical Elements (Genitals) include: Michael 8, Lucas 8, Owen 8, Ollie 8, Darius 8, Edward 8.
If they're available with a particular pro bundle, they will be listed at the bottom of the product information page, under "What's Included and Features", and it will usually be the very last item, and it won't be a link but plain text, unlike the other items in "What's Included".
It’s kind of sad that people have to go elsewhere to by intact versions of characters without buying unwanted extras... Other stores manage this...
Why not bundle a single adult figure with its gens and call it Michael 8-Pro Mature. Or something.
The official genitals that come with the pro bundles are too basic. Just use the products found at Renderotica.
I was told so but it seems not to be true with the rendererotica genitalia - or I am making some very basic mistake. When exporting a model with genitalia to Blender the original mesh is seen instead of the genitalia. If you select the original mesh and the genitalia and merge them after that you can see the genitalia (I tried a Daz to Blender export script so I am not sure what exactly the script command "merge" does).
Excuse, but I need to ask for: Where exactly are located the G8M genitalia? I can't find them in any place.
If you mean where to find them in your content - look for the G8M folder "Anatomy". If you mean, where in the DAZ store, look for any adult G8M Pro Bundle.
There is something strange. I have the genitalia files in the Data Folders, but not in the Anatomy folder, I have the G8M Eyelashes only, but not the genitalia. And I don't understand why did you tell if I buy the Michael 8 Pro Bundle, I could have the genitalia, I checked out the Pro Bundle page and it doesn't say the Genitalia is included in the product:
Could you explain me, please? I'm really confused.
The product page does say that "Genesis 8 Male Anatomical Elements" are included, down at the bottom of the page. They stopped calling it "Genitalia" on the product page a little while ago.
In the Content Library, in the People/Genesis 8 Male/Anatomy folder, you should see a blue icon for Genesis 8 Male Genitalia. No idea where it would be in Smart Content.
If it's not in that folder, then something may not have installed properly. Try downloading and reinstalling the pro bundle to see if that works.
I'm using the aforementioned by others anatomical parts from renderotica - especially the D***tator is nice - good materials, awesome morphing posing options etc. It fits into any G8M figure.
For aliens, animal-types the C***-o-rama at Renderotica. Warning that site is bizarrely fascinating.
DAZ have you considered changing your business model? The world has changed alot since the eight plus years that you started the "Pro-has-the-toast" with Michael 5 Pro Bundle maybe with Generation 9 do something different.
In what installer are the G8M Anatomical Elements supposed to be? In the G8M Starter Essentials?
In what installer are the G8M Anatomical Elements supposed to be? In the G8M Starter Essentials?
if you bought a Pro G8M bundle that is an adult, in DIM/Connect, there should be a Genesis 8 Anatomical Element for G8M.
Yes, I found it. I didn't istalled it, that's why I didn't have it, sorry. Thank you for your help!
Purchased Dasan Pro Bundle, downloaded through Daz Central, and I now find Gen mats, but no gens to apply the mats too. Where might the gens be?
Look under Anatomy. The gens are a separate product.
Hi Gordig,
In DS, I have searched under "anatomy" but don't see any gens.
I put "anatomy" in the search box of my "Content Library," and searched under both "files" and "database." No gens there.
Ok, I see what happened. Daz's presentation is, as so often, confusing. Maybe that is just in the nature of this kind of business with rapidly changing software.
What I mean by confusing. After I paid for the Dasan pro bundle, I went to my dashboard at Daz Central. There I saw eight or nine icons under the heading "recent purchases." I then assumed, reasonably I think, that Daz had included the whole pro bundle under the "recent purchases" heading -- that Daz did not leave some of the included products I had just bought, off the list of "recent purchases." Each icon in the "recent purchases" section has a convenient install button right below it, so I promptly installed all the products, thinking that was the complete pro-bundle. I open DS and start playing around, then start searching for the gens fruitlessly for a while, wondering if the download went wrong, or what, so then I asked the question I asked here. Finally, I went back to Daz Central and instead of going to my "dashboard," I happened to go to "My Assets." There I saw an "anatomical elements" icon from the pro bundle, and it still needed to be installed. So, problem solved. But as far as I am concerned, Daz created that problem in the first place by poor signage, which I think has been pretty typical with Daz. But again, maybe that is just more or less inevitable in this business.