ERC FREEZE: Did I miss something?

Thsi is about the Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs. In there, under Actor>Head>Face>Eyes, there is the "Eyelid smooth" morph target. Are there morph targets, that cannot be controlled by an ERC freeze command?
I made my own "close both eyes" target and wanted to include the "EyelidSmooth" target to enhence realism, but it doesn't work. The property tab shows, that it is not included. I checked my "close both eyes.dsf" file and it is listed there. What happened? The close Eyes morphs work fine, but the Eylid smooth doesn't. More weird: it first works, when setting it up, but it doesn't anymore after restarting DS. So here's a sample from my file:
"output" : "Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/MASTERSTROKE/SexyRoxy/EyeCloseR.dsf#EyeCloseR?value",
"operations" : [
{ "op" : "push", "url" : "Genesis8Female:#CloseEyesBoth?value" },
{ "op" : "push", "val" : 1 },
{ "op" : "mult" }
"output" : "Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/MASTERSTROKE/SexyRoxy/EyeCloseL.dsf#EyeCloseL?value",
"operations" : [
{ "op" : "push", "url" : "Genesis8Female:#CloseEyesBoth?value" },
{ "op" : "push", "val" : 1 },
{ "op" : "mult" }
"output" : "Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Head/PHMEyelidsSmooth.dsf#PHMEyelidsSmooth?value",
"operations" : [
{ "op" : "push", "url" : "Genesis8Female:#CloseEyesBoth?value" },
{ "op" : "push", "val" : 1 },
{ "op" : "mult" }
How do you have it set up in the property hierarchy?
It is not set up there, for it is not saved, although it should be. I just did, what usually works: Close both eyes 100% > ERC freeze > select Eyelids smooth > accept > Save morph assets > select close both eyes > giving folder path> click accept. Allways works, except this time. The correct dsf file is written in the right place, but it does not show up in DS. It is not listed in the property hirachy either. So my question is: Are vendors able to forbid, that their morphs are being used in a ERC hirachy?
Are you ending up with two ERC relations? Find the master slider in the property Hierarchy (for which you don't need to have saved) and look to see what you get.
@ Masterstroke
There are two ways to create ERC dependencies, one is to use the ERC-Freeze action fome the right-click menu, the other is to have the Parameters and the Property Hierarchy pane opened side by side then drag&drop the desired Property from the Parameters pane to the Property Hierarchy pane into the Sub-Components tree. There you have two categories 1st Stage (Add/Substract) and 2nd Stage (Multiply/Divide).
In your custom pose control "close both eyes.dsf" file - the line { "op" : "mult" } indicates that Multiply is used.
I think the easiest way to setup your pose control would be looking something like this in the Property Hierarchy pane:
Property: close both eyes
But why making an alternative Pose Control? There is allready a Eyes Closed (eCTRLEyesClosed). It sounds more like you want to create an correction morph for a character like SexyRoxy.
These correction morphs are called Morph Controlled Morphs [MCM].
Here I have an example of the "MCMTeenJosie8EyesClosedR"
See the attached screenshots - BTW you can quickly jump to a Property by the right-click menu entries Show in Property Hierarchy / Show in Prarameters in both panes.
The character Master Controller CTRLTeenJosie8 includes ERC[Add]: FHMTeenJosie8Head that includes ERC[Multiply]: MCMTeenJosie8EyesClosedR and L.
With this dependencies chain the value of the expression controller Property eCTRLEyesClosed will drive the value of MCMTeenJosie8EyesClosedR and L only if the character controller Property CTRLTeenJosie8 or at least FHMTeenJosie8Head is set to something other than zero and will be multiplied by its value.
This will make shure the closed eyes will look correct and the eyelids will match even with the head shape that alters the shape of the eyelids.
Sounds complicated - it is - but this is how its meant to work.
You can have a look at my post related to ERC-Freeze here:
TUTORIAL - Creating a Genesis/G2F/G2M/G3M/G3M Full Body Morph for DAZ Studio Pro 4.6 by RKane_1
Puh, thank you. Will take me time to work this out. ;-) (link bookmarked) :-)