DAZ Studio not working after the latest Windows update (1803)

Keep getting an error when trying to start Daz Studio. I just did the forced update to my Windows 10, and now Daz refuses to start up. Worse, now I cannot uninstall and/or reinstall. The big bugaboo appears to be the Content Management module. A reinstall for the 64 bit version always stops at this point,and when trying to install the 32 bit version, it stops here as well.
I submitted a ticket to Daz, but am wondering if anyone here is also having the same problem?
A lot of people are.
By any chance, have you installed DAZ to a controlled access folder and is Windows' ransomware protection active?
I have had issues with Daz Studio 4.10 since the Windows 10 update too. It freezes at some point during rendering & more often than not, will go to the "black screen of death" & I have to reset the computer. It can be the start, part way though or even right at the very end when I'm ready to save the image. I've updated video card drivers, installed the latest version of Studio. Nothing has worked. I even uninstalled the latest update from Windows & it seems like things are getting worse, Now I tried to free up my main drive by transferring renders etc over to abckup drive & I can't even do that. I had a version of 4.9 on my machine still & it did the same but then Windows took over somewhere along the way with some further updates yesterday & totally uninstalled that version, gone, totally vanished.
PC turns black and loses control while Iray rendering.
Windows 10 64bits version updated to lastest today,
and I trying to Iray render.
But my Display turns black and loses control while rendering.
This problem causes 3 times.
It seems to cause 5 minutes from starting rendering.
This problem will causes again in current settings.
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti driver is lastest version,
and trouble shootings from Microsoft were tried.
But it does not solute.
There was no problem until yesterday.
It is the same as therat's problem.
I will try to install 4.9 or delete lastest windows update.
Not sure if it is of any help, but I installed the 1803 Windows 10 update today and Dforce stopped working (couldn't find OpenCL). To fix this I updated my nvidia driver, but I went for the 397.64 driver rather than the latest 397.93 and I haven't had any problems with DS since.
To try to isolate the problem to the nvidia card/drivers - are you able to do an iray render with the CPU alone?
I have had issues with Daz Studio 4.10 since the Windows 10 update too. It freezes at some point during rendering & more often than not, will go to the "black screen of death" & I have to reset the computer. It can be the start, part way though or even right at the very end when I'm ready to save the image. I've updated video card drivers, installed the latest version of Studio. Nothing has worked. I even uninstalled the latest update from Windows & it seems like things are getting worse, Now I tried to free up my main drive by transferring renders etc over to abckup drive & I can't even do that. I had a version of 4.9 on my machine still & it did the same but then Windows took over somewhere along the way with some further updates yesterday & totally uninstalled that version, gone, totally vanished.
Further to my problem. I started to work through different things with Microsoft remote desktop help & tried something troubleshooting where you select the program not working & try an auto fix. I went to render a very simple scene & the black screen of death again. When I pressed the reset button on the machine the button unfortunately stuck. The fans made a graoning noise & now my machine wont boot at all, just HDD light activity for about a minute but only black screen. I'm throwing my hands up in the air for awhile & have a break. Daz Studio & rendering was my one release (that & beer) & now it's too stressful
That sounds like a hardware issue - possibly the PSU, possibly the GPU. Rendering is demanding so - assuming you are using Iray - it could overstress a component that was already starting to fail.
Sorry to say, but these comments "it's a driver, it's the hardware, it's a blabla" are not helpful. It is NOT any of those. It is Daz Studio - it has issues with the latest Windows 10 update (and Windows 10 in general). Period. There are dozens of different issues all over the forum of people reporting exactly that, in various different manifestations.
Yes, there are probably certain settings that cause this, but that doesn't change the fact - it's a DS bug right now and no replacement of hardware or drivers or anything else will fix is.
Want another example? The jumping viewport stuff starts ONLY AFTER DS RUNS FOR ABOUT 3 MINUTES... it is not there beforehand. But THEN it starts, I've tried it 10 times now... ALWAYS the same, whether I do something in the scene or not. I restart, it's gone. For another 3 miuntes... then it's back. So - that's a bug. DS and recent Windows 10 update are not working together well.
That is not my understanding - nor, for the most part, my experience (I do get the jumping viewport using modifier drag, but not to the extent that some others do - and I have seen occasional similar issues elsewhere, while others have reproted more widespread issues in other applications).
With Windows 10 version 1803, Daz Studio is running fine and rendering fine in Iray with GPU for me. I do get the jumping viewport problem, though.
Oh, so you DO get the same thing, like literally everybody else... but, you still say "hey, it has nothing to do with DS...?" - I don't know what to say to that... of course you will get the probem "occasionally elsewhere", funny... every program will have a lag from time to time, but DS has it ALL THE TIME. And again: there IS a solution that is indicated in the jumping viewport threat. I don't think there is more to discuss here, I just don't want people spend hours trying to find a Windows-based solution, nor spend money buying new hardware. Neither will fix this.
just to add a little bit of info here I have DS 4.10.107 running on Win 7 sp1 and I am having all kinds of issues with it. Won't open files made in 4.7 or earlier versions and object exports have incomplete material file. But I still have 4.8 Beta which works just fine. So I believe there are many issues with DS 4.10 not just win 10 issues.
No one has suggested that buying new hardware will help with that issue, all that has been questioned is whether it is down to DS. Nor has anyone suggested that it isn't a frequent issue, though its severity does seem to vary markedly among those who suffer it.
What happens with the scenes it won't open - are there any error messages?
I installed the Windows 10 update today and since then I have issues with Daz too.No problem starting the program. I can still see my all content files and stuff.But my viewport doesn't work at all anymore. I can click the tab but nothing happens, I don't see anything. Only the text from my other tabs.Tried to open it undocked at a very small size and I could see the raster and orbit cube but it's not responding to anything.Can't make the window any bigger because it's acting up. Since it was a massive update it's hard to tell what caused the issue I guess. Hope there will be some sort of fix soon though.
Check that you are still using a GPU driver from the chipset maker - Windows Update can replace that with an MS driver which won't work as well (if at all).
I will run the program again and write down what it gives as to error messages. Working in Vue right now.
I'm sorry if I seem dumb asking this but where or how can I find that?
this thread sounds awful... i had the big 1803 issue 10 days ago (being migraine riddled for days, didn't help my focus to solve the issue, i could only try after a week), so bad that i couldn't go past the BSOD, let alone use any program, and every time i managed to delete/uninstall the update it reinstalled even i was sure i had killed the win update download files... finally a friend made & sent me a usb boot. this reinstalled win10 and i even managed to keep my personal files - minus my program install files archive, located in a stupid place. BUT it killed every single program i had on my laptop... gotta reinstall DIM, DS, and everything i remember having installed, like, ever. yay. i sent a ticket to help reinstalling DIM/DS without overwriting my libraries which are still intact.
but from what i see here, my problems with DS might not be over once i have it back on track.. urgh. unless, as i think, my actual win10 doesn't include this crap update yet, not sure, and i'm not going online before i have blocked it (this here is my tablet)...
Ok Richard I did a couple of tests one opening files from 4.7 and they are now opening but twice as slow as 4.8. Two I exported the same figure to an obj file from 4.10 and 4.8 the 4.10 file was minus 4 material files as to the 4.8 file which was correct. The Daz figure used wardrobe from two different wardrobe sets. The first one I applied came out fine the second (boots) where missing in the material file. This is a important issue for me as I use Daz figures in all my Vue renders which is my main 3d program. Should I write out a better discription and submit a trouble ticket?
So it was OK in DS, but missing settings in the mtl file on export? Or there were multiple exports anbd some failed to generate an MTL? Were the settings the same in both versions of DS?
What GPU do you have? For nVidia, right-click on your desktop and open the nVidia Control Panel: if it isn't there that suggests there's been a silent driver swap; if it is there it should give you the driver details. If your system has a dedicated GPU and an on-CPU make sure DS is using the former - I'm not sure where that setting lives.
Yes export settings are the same in both versions I will reset them see if that helps or fixes the issue. 4.10 seems to be a little sensitive to the first time set up on the machine. Iray render working fine.
I have a Acer Predator G9-791 Laptop with a Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU 2.60GHz processor. In it is a NVidia Geforce GTX 970M graphics card and a Intel HD Graphics 530. Both still there.
THIS is why I absolutely hate stealth updates. I wouldn't mind so much if Microsoft would actually ask before updating my Windows 10, so I could choose which updates to allow and which ones to wait on until later when problems are resolved.
The fact that I'm on a metered 4G connection, which Microsoft doesn't treat the same as Wifi despite having data caps (my download speed may be drastically reduced after the first 22gb, which Daz downloads can chew through in nothing flat, and I used to have a 5 GB limit, with $10/GB after that), annoys me even more.
I'd downgrade to Windows 8 or even 7, except that my laptop bios is specifically set up for Windows 10, well acccording to MSI anyways... plus then I'd have to track down Windows 8 or 7.
I've been doing my best to stave off the latest updates until I get a clearer picture, but the stealth updates have me really worried...
I'm not seeing the wifi metered toggle that's talked about, and 4G/Cellular isn't considered Wifi in any case, unless I use a wifi hotspot (which both my 4g modem and my laptop can access if I let them). There are no wifi hotspots in my house, as I'm using 4g which serves my needs.
That solved my problem, CPU only. I had tried the latest driver from nVidia after the first lot of crashes, but it made no difference. I might have a hunt back & try a slighter older version driver & see what happens. Give it another week or two & new drivers might sort it out. It does seem a bit slower on rendering now but it's an acceptable trade off for now.
Glad to hear that at leat you have the problem isolated now to what is most likely the nvidia drivers. I imagine that it is a lot slower using CPU, so hope you find a driver that works soon.
I agree with the above statements, Daz just doesn't open period for me and I have a lot invested in the program. Support isn't there and it's #%^& me off.