Exporting to sculptris with body parts off
I notice if you export to sculptris with a body part off the obj doesn't have that body part. This could be handy for sculpting a part of the figure without having to worry about masking parts you don't want to be affected (for some reason the mask function in sculptris doesn't seem to be 100% effective and masked geometry will still deform slightly.
Unfortunately this changes the geometry so the sculpted part is no longer able to be used with a morph.
If I were to export a genesis figure with the eyes and mouth switched off and then export a genesis figure with everything but the eyes and mouth switched off, would it be possible to then remerge those two objs back into a single obj that would have compatible geometry for a morph, or once you split the geometry that's it, it'll never be able to be used for a morph again.
As far as I have tested it, I would say yes. Pictures Show Hexagon. Genesis figure was exported as single object (write groups, use figure name(s) export option). Form27 was genesis exported with write groups, use surface name(s) option, which makes Hexagon treat each surface as separate part (form). Which means combined count of points and lines from all surfaces was higher than single piece genesis, because, ofc, them being separated would mean them having double amount of points and lines in areas where surfaces meet. In contrast to single piece genesis which would have just 1 point and 1 line in the same areas. After welding all surface parts in single form27, number of point, lines and polygons is the same as single piece genesis. Welding also removes UV maps, but as far as I know, that is not required for morphs.
But I didnt actually make morphs or used welded one in morph loader, so theres that.
EDIT: Just went and exported Genesis with use node names, which is more similar to what you had in mind, and after welding it numbers warent the same as single piece genesis (1 point, 2 line more that genesis) . Additional average welding (0.001 distance) after made numbers the same as single piece genesis. But position and size was also slightly different, and as far as I know, morphs would carry that information with them. Ofc, you can copy / paste that information from single piece Genesis, which would slightly alter the morphs.
So, you might export genesis using surface names and import it into Hexagon and than export from Hexagon just the surface parts you want to change in Sculptris, and after import them back in Hexagon, weld them, etc.
even though we can keep poligon counts, vertex order may break easy.
I think the way never work about triax figure.. especially genesis and genesis2female.
When I tried to make spilit head morph at first time,,
I imported two genesis, then deleted head surface group of gen1, and other body parts of gen2.
then try to weld as one genesis.obj,,
it can keep pogiong counts .and morph loader can import it.
but it can not be morph. because each vertex jump to another place.
about export option,, use surfacegroup,, and when Import it to hexagon, check off merge group.
it load each surface group as separate objs. then select all obj,, weld them to one mesh, in hexagon.
change scale of head. and export as morph. it actually keep vertex counts.
morph loader can load it. but when you try to move controller,,each vertices fly away.
I can not confirm about sculptris,, but I think it can not work.
I think,, when you export mesh without hide part,, it already change vertex order.
after that you try to join ,, it will not adjust vertex order.
about blender ,, if I separate mesh from obj, then join again as one obj, I think
it must change vertex order too.
Yeah, what kitakoredaz sead, morph loader makes morphs but they dont work as intended.