'Legend'-Style Dress For Genesis

XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

Find myself in need of a regal-looking 'evil' dress, for Genesis, in the style of the iconic piece shown in 'Legend':




Not an exact copy, because still images show the shoulders to be a little too bulky (and I think it could do without the silver, tinsel-like sash), but I'd love something which could decorate a female character, in black, with the regal ethereal look of this. Especially with a similar large, triangular headpiece, as per the above. Linking to the wrists is totally optional, but I could see how that could make for some interesting 'flowing wind' looks.

'Dragon Witches' seems to be the closest sort of thing I can find for Genesis, but I'd be thrilled to find something with a more obviously evil presence to it. Particularly in black, to weave nicely between shadows.


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