Deleting it safe?
I'm not talking about content that requires an Installation program, rather I'm referring to the kind of content for which you simply copy the products folders into the appropriate runtime folders (geometries libraries etc) in order for it to be "installed"
If I no longer want those products, is it safe to remove them by locating them in the runtime (using windows explorer) and just deleting them?
If you installed these items yourself (not using DIM), then you can delete them safely.
It might be a better solution to just move the items that you don't want to another runtime folder, and store it as a backup. Is there a reason that you want to delete content? Is it a disk space problem?
Yes its a disk space problem (at the moment expanding my storage isn't an option) and the fact that I bought them on impulse and haven't really used them much
It is Safe. If they are Zip's I go as far as Opening in ZIP and the Deleteing all the installed stuff by following the paths.