Carrara Challenge 41: The Super, Legendary, Epic Voting Results!

evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
edited August 2018 in Carrara Discussion

The Super, Legendary, Epic Voting Thread Polls Are Closed!

Summer is here (at least in the northern hemisphere)! It is now summer blockbuster movie season. Along with the blockbusters comes the hyperbole and many breathless adjectives and adverbs!

The artist's goal is to create an image, or images depicting any of the three adjectives used in the challenge title: Super, legendary, or epic. Super could be as literal as a super hero, or a depiction of someone, something, or a profession that is super to you. Legendary could be a legendary or mythic figure, place or event; even if the figure, place or event is real, it is possible to take on a legendary status, such as the invasion of Normandy or the first man on the moon. Epic could mean a scene or event epic in scale, or zoomed in on a moment in an epic event or scene, thus establishing a more intimate connection to the world surrounding the epic scene or event. An epic event or scene could be grounded in reality (present or past), be sci-fi or fantasy based, or something else entirely. There was no requirement for the artist to pick a specifiv catergory- It could be anything.

Artists were required to use Carrara to set up their scene and render it in Carrara unless they used a third party plugin to render the scene, such as Octane, etc. Postwork was allowed. Artists were also required to use either a metaball object or Carrara's dynamic hair in the scene. If they wished to use both they could, but it was optional. Metaball objects once created, could be converted to vertex models if needed.

Extra special thanks to DAZ 3D and Naomi for sponsoring this challenge!

The voting thread is open until Sunday, August 5!

  • Anybody with a DAZ 3D account may vote. If you can comment in the forums, you have an account and are signed in. Signing up for an account with DAZ 3D is easy and it is free.
  • You may vote for up to three entries. You may only vote for an entry once.
  • When voting, please list the artist's name, and the entry number of the entry.
  • Comments are welcomed and encouraged. What did you like? Do you have a question about how the artist did anything?
  • Anonymous voting is only allowed in special circumstances, such as a forum moderator or DAZ 3D employee/representative not wanting to show favoritism. There may be other circumstances. If you have a question about anonymous voting, please message me.

The WIP thread can be found here:
I highly suggest you check out the WIPs. Many of the techniques for using hair and metaballs are unique to Carrara; however, things like lighting, framing, composition, etc. can be very universal. There are many talented people that enter these. There is a lot to learn. Do not hesitate to ask how and why something was done!


Post edited by evilproducer on


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