Today I came across a pz2 file that works well in DS but comes out jibberish in a text editor ( Notepad ++}. I tried saving it as a pz2, but with same results. Can this be converted to pz2?
Yikes!!!! I feel like such a total Kankelfritz! :bug: I mistakenly typed in pz2 vice p2z, which I've learned is an uncompressed Poser file, and not the png file. (see attachment) Nevertheless, my basic question remains the same, either a way to read the p2z or convert it to pz2 or a DS file type.
Why are you trying to re-save it? What do you mean by jibberish?
Are you sure it was the pz2 you tried to open, not the .png thumbnail? And that it was a pz2 and not a compressed .p2z?
Yikes!!!! I feel like such a total Kankelfritz! :bug: I mistakenly typed in pz2 vice p2z, which I've learned is an uncompressed Poser file, and not the png file. (see attachment) Nevertheless, my basic question remains the same, either a way to read the p2z or convert it to pz2 or a DS file type.
AS it is a compressed file you could unzip it
Well, WinZip was able to read it as a txt file. I never expected WinZip to be able to do that, but now I know. TYVM
Glad I could help
Any chance for adding p2z support?
To what? DS supports .p2z files.
Disregard; all's good. I postted the original Q in Aug 2013.