any feedback, issues found with the G8 preset free betas?

any feedback, issues found with the G8 preset free betas?
other than the 3 toenail beds for g8F.
i remember something about Stephanie 8 elbow bends, looks like stephanie elbow jcms are all HD.
nothew issue, lot of clothes, eyebrows, eyelashes, using autofollow, they not including support morphs.
something to watch out for in content.
Hello Misty - bought the Zelara 8 Pro Bundle, 3 toenail beds are still a problem. Some of the character accessories such as the spine and the headpiece for the Aureska Hol character need to be converted to blended weight to work.
Watching with interest
My feedback is that I am enjoying them very much. In addtion to just loading and using your G8 characters in Carrara, I have used them for...
- I've used your characters as a base to model clothing for G8 characters.-
- I've used them to create morphs for the base figures. -
- I've used your characters as a base for Carrara's 3DPaint for specialty materials for the figures
- I've used your characters as a base to create a skull cap and use Carrara's dynamic hair and Philemos plugin for props for the G8 characters
I'm in awe of your solutions and very grateful for your work.

I second that comment !!!!!

Use both the G3 & G8 presets on a regular basis, many thank-you's Misty !!!!!!!!!
yoor welcome
workin on a beta ii with the toe corrective morphs to try out, interested if is helpful or not
I only have felton for G8 and so far it is working ok in Carrara
The male figures seem okay, the female figures have varying degrees of issues with some of the toe-nail beds.
As for G8 beta, the only thing that makes me sad is absent JCMs. I'm not really interested in any brand characters for G8 beta, except for my own morphs. BTW, I noticed that any figure scale baked in a body morph evoke all that nail distortions.
Which reminds me, I need to do some more renders of Tanya and Darsel with Misty's G8 preset !!!!
Will be happy to see your renders!