M4 booties

Hi all,

Hope somebody can help. In the Victoria 4.2 Bodysuit Expansion pack there is a V4 Booties item. Is anybody aware of an equivalent for Michael 4?



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Hi all,

    Hope somebody can help. In the Victoria 4.2 Bodysuit Expansion pack there is a V4 Booties item. Is anybody aware of an equivalent for Michael 4?


    Unfortunatety it doesn't appear that M4 got an expansion pack for his bodysuit, and no sighn of any booties either.  Plenty of boots in the store,  but no booties.

  • Thanks for taking the time to helpVictor_B and Chohole, the booties had to match the V4 bodysuit booties for a matching his and hers uniform unfortunately.

    I'll probably seek some matching his and hers sneekers and retexture with an iRay shader,

    Again, thanks,


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