Uber Light confusion
So...I know that the UberAreaLight, UberEnvironment, and HumanSurface are included in DAZ Studio. I vaguely recall that UberSurface is, and I read on omnifreakers site that UberVolume is included, although I've never seen it/used it. I own UberHair, which is an UberSurface upgrade.
So...a few questions:
* Is the UberEnvironment that's included UE2, and it's just shortcut everywhere as UE?
* UberSurface2 is not included, right?
* omAreaLight is just an earlier name for UberAreaLight, correct?
* What about UberSpot and UberPoint? I take it they're not included... Do they still work with the latest DS?
Thanks very much... This has been a point of confusion for me for a while, and I found myself about to buy a scene that required uberspot/uberpoint and realized that I don't know if I have them or not...
-- Morgan
1) Yes, UE2 is included.
2) Correct, USS2 is NOT included but USS1 is.
3) omAreaLight and UberAreaLight are two sides of the same coin. omAreaLight is the name of the surface shader portion, UberAreaLight are the included light objects with omAreaLight applied.
4) UberSpot and UberPoint have been updated to work with DS4.x and work fine in even the latest beta.