For the love of all things 3D, DAZ, please add these most essential things to DAZ Studio already:

1) AUTO-SAVE & RECOVERY:  What application these days does NOT have some sort of auto-recover from a crash?  How is this not implemented after SO many version of DAZ?  Auto-save should happen in the background, should be user selectable and adjustable, and definitely should NOT overwrite the last user-saved copy of a project.

2) BACKUP COPIES:  Speaking of user-saved projects, because there is no auto-save feature, some of us are habitually hitting SAVE before any major edits.  That being said, often we wish to revert back one or two or maybe even three versions.  There should most definitely be a save history -- automatically renaming previous saves with something like .001, .002, etc. extensions.  I can't count how many times I've hit Save (because I MUST to prevent loss of work due to crashes) only to overwrite the last version and then wish I hadn't.

3) DEFAULTS SAFETY:  The same thing goes for overwriting the current default.duf file.  Whatever file I have as my default start-up scene, it should not be allowed to be overwritten under any circumstance without a special warning, "You're about to overwrite your default startup file, are you sure?"

4) DECONFLICTION:  How about a debugger for those damn morphs which sellers seem to duplicate names of?  It delays loading just to get a pop-up error, and using the log file is a pain in the derriere to figure out what exactly made it happen.  Why can't the loader specify exactly which morph(s) are conflicting without having to decipher log code?  We can't even filter using "(2)" when in DAZ Studio because it's not part of the actual name.  Or, perhaps add a filter in the Parameters list for showing only duplicates!

5) SMOOTHING MODIFIER MORPHS:  OK, the smoothing feature is GREAT for auto-adjusting objects which collide ever so slightly.  Now, why can't I easily bake the morph and save it?  Also, why can't I use two or more collision objects on the smoothing modifier? If we can't have this, then the aforementioned "easy-to-bake" morphs are essential. We shouldn't have to go through a hundred steps of exporting, importing, hoping, wishing, failing, repeating just to get a morph permanent which DAZ Studio itself has calculated already.  The same thing goes for D-formers -- make it EASY to save morphs.

6) SELECTIVE EXPORTING:  Seriously, why must we have to hide every object we don't want exported?  It's a simple task to add a checkbox to Export which states, "Only export selected items."  Is it not?  Do I really need to switch to Poser to get this feature? I mean I really prefer DAZ to Poser, but...

Thank you for listening. 



  • All of the above are basic features. I'm sure any programmer worth his or her salt would be able to add them given a couple of weeks to work in. They are not adding new algorithms only adding in short cuts and safety warnings. Further, good error trapping along with readable and meaningful warnings are fundamental to good software. Hopefully we have got beyond having to see messages like "An unexpected error ocurred. All your data is lost. OK?" Actually, no! It is not OK.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    Wow.... never knew it was possible to arm chair quarterback coding.... but now I do. :)

  • RKane_1 said:

    Wow.... never knew it was possible to arm chair quarterback coding.... but now I do. :)

    No arm chair or back seat work required. Just look around at modern professional software from all over the world; you will see the standard set.

  • This thread is not, unfortunately, going to be a constructive discussion so it is being locked.

    Posting threads offering civil suggestions for improvements to DS is fine if you want feedback, but remember that formal feature requests (possibly refined in light of forum discussions) should be made via a Techncial Support ticket https://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us

This discussion has been closed.