Wanted: Luke Skywalker Morph
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Hello all, I'm currently wanting to do some Star Warsy type renders and was trying to find a Luke Skywalker/Mark Hamill morph. I found one at http://poserfreestuff.zenryokuhp.com/detail/aglwb3Nlcml0ZW1yEgsSCUZyZWVTdHVmZhjr9tUBDA.html and on ShareCG but it seems to have been removed - can anyone help?
Moved to the Commons as it's a request for, not an offer of, a freebie.
All the morphs created by WERTS were removed by WERTS -- and they are not redistributable.
Does anybody know why he removed them, or if he'll ever make them available again?
Yes, and No, I doubt it.
However there are some of his movie star morphs, redone as morph injections, which Marieah did,