bridge from to daz studio to photoshop
hello there...
just tried to install the bridge thing but the downloadmanager gives me this:
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The installer for "Photoshop 3D Bridge for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Mac 64-bit)" requires that the installed path for "Photoshop CS6;CS5;CS4 (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
i don´t understand what this means... where do i have to define what kind of path
would be great to get helped
Click the Gear (Settings) in the upper right and go to the Applications tab. Click the "+" sign in the lower left and select Photoshop and the version and bit-depth you use, and add the path to the Photoshop application.
download worked fine
now supercurious if the thing itself works
i am exited
mail in the event your still experiencing issues, I had install via the product page as opposed to using the install manager to get mine to work.
Here is a thread Vaskania help me with just in case you still need some extra info
the brigde works but the programm itself does not start anymore... somehow, somewhere is a conflict on my maincomputer
it works great on my laptop... but this is not great because of the ram and small monitor and so...
thanks anyway!
I am new to Daz studio and I just installed it and am getting the same error message about the photoshop bridge. I am using mac OS version and I have the most recent version of creative cloud installed called CC (I also have CS6 Photoshop).
I still can't figure out where is the setting box or gear icon is on the upper right---i.e. I don't see this icon or anything marked settings in menus etc. alot I see parameters, preferences and tool settings... maybe it is because I using this app for the first time? also I am not sure how to find the photoshop bridge to resinstall again... I don't see it listed now in the DIM after I installed everything and got this error message.
I went to look at my plug ins list and I don't see anything labeled photoshop bridge in the list altho I see a file listed as 3D bridge... is that the file?
any additional guidance would be appreciated... thanks
they have hidden it well.... i just found it by coincident/exident....
i hope the screenshots will help to find the path
Thanks for the screen shots. I hope I have this figured out now. I just set this up as directed to make the path to my Photoshop CS6 app tho the CC app for Photoshop is the newer app from Adobe... I may try to see if that version works too at some point by changing the path to that app, but I did not want to press my luck at the moment as Photoshop CC was not a choice in the drop down menu...
My issue was that I also did not understand which app to find the settings config setup in... i.e. I thought that the reference was to a settings and gear icon was in either the DAZ 4.6 app or Photoshop not in DIM...
Thanks for straightening me out. Much appreciated.
hey! i hope it will work... i am a total beginner for myself and this 3d stuff sometimes can drive me mad...
things seem to work allways diffrently... in the beginning of the year i had a short period of faszination before i gave up
now i try to master it again... still finding it very complex... but fascinating too
Anyone knows if Photoshop Bridge for OSX works with CS 5.5?
I've never been able to use this plugin on my machine.
I can import maps into a PS layer, but no way about the 3D figure... :(
it must be possible
but my bridge also does not have full functionality
good look
I have done what it says in Message #6 and the Bridge still won't see and path and install when it's in plain sight. Mac OS 10.9 on a Core i7 MacBook pro.
Can you post a screenshot of your Settings > Applications tab?
What version of Photoshop? The bridge doesn't work with CC.
Here goes....
You haven't told DS that's the path to Photoshop - it says it's another DAZ Studio path. When you open the new application dialogue you have to pick which application and version it is, then add the path.
Where? You say do this or that, but we don't know where?? lol
In the DAZ Install Manager