Can't Check Out—put, but "cart is empty"

When I go to check out, I get a "Shopping Cart is Empty" message, but when I'm on the store page for the item I want to buy, it's shown as in my cart. I opened a new browser to see if it was just a cookie issue, but after logging in with the new browser, I have the same situation. Is there a way to force empty the item so I can re-add it? or another work-around?
Sometimes the cart does weird things. Add another item, any item, then see if it loads. You can then remove the extra item before you checkout.
That did it. Thanks
Note that one common cause of this is the store and forums not agreeing on whether you're logged in (the two logins are separate). Double check that you're logged in, or if you have to, log out then back in again from the DAZ front page.
This has happened to me several times. I usually give up after a few tries and just come back and try again another day. Today I even tried logging out and even creating a cart from a private session with no cookies- still didn't work.
I tried what was suggested here- adding something I didn't want to the cart and then adding the stuff I wanted. And then I removed the thing I didn't want. This worked, but it makes me wonder... what a strange bug.
yes it is a strange bug, it has been around for ages, but it isn't one that happens regularly or even one that can be duplicated, which makes it very very hard to track down. It is an evil elusive little bug(gar)
if you are using google chrome open developer console and locate <form id="shopping_cart_form"...

and add the following code: before </from>