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OK - it looks like DIM is installing to your defined 64-bit software path - which defaults to C:\Program Files - so, on the installation tab, try defining your 64-bit software path as just C:\ - and DIM will (should) install to C:\DAZ 3D\Carrara 8.5.
Not worth the guilt trip every time I used it :)
Just highlighting a strange marketing ploy - Instead of simply saying the price is X, upgrade from previous version is Y and if you are PC you get an extra Z off, they are saying take it to the till and see what price you get. Then when you get to the till they tell you the price is zero, but you can't have it because your CC doesn't know how to debit zero.
Would you do business in a supermaket under those conditions?
Indeed, it's a chronic troubleshooting loop.
Yet another issue: since the beta installation, previously trouble-free NLA clips now fail to load - see following error pop-up. After that it is freeze crash that sometimes require Alt Control Delete to close Carrara then relaunch.
Now both Carraras on my system can't be used for loading/saving NLAs, and my current dynamic hair/cloth tests cannot proceed.
I've been super earnest abt this for my usual standard but am beginning to question my sanity for investing last 3 months of my life in this direction.
Anyone having the same issue?
EDIT: additional info
To make it even more mysterious, NLA's failure to load behavior is also random...
I open up old fully-functional scene, or new scene with new fresh Genesis, by open file route instead of load from Browser, playing really safe. Load from My Clips. Load from other folders. Same story.
A few NLA clips load, most don't. Those that don't load typically freeze crash Carrara. Sometimes it is possible to keep clicking at the 'Cancel' or 'OK' button or the close pane button really fast and the error messgae go away and the scene can continue.
One way to force load NLAs is by loading the 'success' clips, then load the 'fail load' clips right after.
But then even after some clips are loaded they will either behave unresponsive, or if clicked upon produce those dreaded error messages. Occasionally, they actually work like before.
The inconsistent behavior is the most consistent thing so far.
Previous Carrara is also more sluggish than before.
Something broke NLA.
Hello everyone,
FBX export isn't working for me now with the latest update (
I'm using carrara pro and I'm on Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.3)
When I try to export an object, it throws out an error saying "fbx.dll failed to load",
and then the next dialogue box says
"A nil pointer error has occured
File: MakeFBXImporter.cpp
Line: 65"
FBX import doesn't seem to work, either.
FBX is an essential part of my workflow.
I'm hoping that this gets fixed soon.
Just filed another bug report. Posting it here too in case others have the same issue.
Still using release build 243. Not using new Beta because Browser contents not auto-ported over from previous version.
Beta's new Font dial works. My Presets custom folders are detected and show in Browser.
Postgre Valentina conversion seems to have install itself. (install progress bar ran appx 1 minute)
New troubles start after installing a day ago. Was stable prior.
Win764 Xeon2.93. R12G.Titan.
Tests Condition: Restart Windows. Runs no heavy apps. Carrara last release B.243 now chomps up nearly a Gig right after launch. Extreme sluggish. Atypical.
Refer to my yesterday's detailed forum post on formerly working NLAs now fail to load, 80% of the time produces error messages.
New RANDOM issues:
New medium scene. load Genesis character preset from Browser: My Objects. Loads in viewport after LONG wait. Sequencer, Genesis char shown. Yet scene manager shows no Genesis char, just same old cam 1 light 1.
NLA clip ABC loads normally into old scene file with base Genesis with existing NLA clip AND Bullet soft modifier object.
Delete clip, load ABC clip, works.
But new empty scene new base Genesis, loading the same ABC clip produces error messages.
Both Carraras are currently unusable for the most basic animation purposes. Please fix ASAP.
Guess whether I want to or not, I have to put Carrara aside for now.
Bug report follow-up copy
Follow up
Carrara (build 243 not latest beta) Properties window is now in a COMATOSE state.
Load anything - a Genesis character say Gabi, or a DS preloaded banquet scene, then try to click the item in the viewport or scene manager, no response. Not long freeze then act normal again, just frozen dead.
I can use Sequencer to select then delete an item. However, after deleting one item, attempt to click select remaining item still produces no response in viewport or scene manager. Right click on viewport character get the usual bone part options, but no visual feedback nor effect on anything.
Properties> Objects or Shader can be clicked on, but try to click on the individual object, more long freezes before things become click-able, but sometimes, also dead/ zero response.
More clues:
Load just a Gabi preset, all other windows/ files closed, Carrara shoots up to 3 gig memory. Never seen that even with DS or Chrome misbehavior at their worst
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I hadn't tried the beta as I didn't see the ability to change font size listed on the changes/updates. This is by far the best update they could have done (at least for me). Between using the Komika Hand font and a boost in font size I can finally use the program without the visual issues that have prevented me from actually it for any length of time thus far. THANK YOU THANK YOU Devs!!!
I thank you again.
FYI - the latest release, the one with font size changeability, is not a Beta release but a new Official release.
I am known to be easily confused so forgive me - is this topic about the official release of 8.5 back in 2013 or the beta update or what ?
Dartanbeck mentions- 19th may 2015- a "new official release" - when did that happen ? What is that version called, I don't see a topic on it and the one on the "new "beta seems to have disappeared.
I have C8.5 pro build 234 installed but I see in my "ready to downloads " there is Carrara 8.5 pro but the pop up doesn't say what version.
Should I assume this is the "new official release"? In which case could not Daz label their product accordingly so we know what's what . I suppose I could read back through the 800 odd posts here but really don't have the time.
Clarification of beta status and current release in a New Sticky Topic might be very helpful to everyone and of course if its official list out the changes/improvements since 8.5 was released - Hey! why not call it C8.6.
Edit Oh I just found out the C8.5 in my downloads must be the new one because if I select "orders" from the pop up it takes me to my Daz Account and asks me for $80 ???
FYI - the latest release, the one with font size changeability, is not a Beta release but a new Official release.
Oh I know it is in the official release...I am using it now. My point is I did not try the Beta as i didn't think this feature was in it (font size change). At least it was not mentioned in the features/change list. If i did know, I would have been trying the beta long before now. But without this feature I haven't been able to use Carrara for any length of time (the fonts were just too small for me).
Where is the changelog for the newest release?
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I hadn't tried the beta as I didn't see the ability to change font size listed on the changes/updates. This is by far the best update they could have done (at least for me). Between using the Komika Hand font and a boost in font size I can finally use the program without the visual issues that have prevented me from actually it for any length of time thus far. THANK YOU THANK YOU Devs!!!
I thank you again.
I can read small print on the tiniest labels. Still I am grateful too to just have Carrara fonts now adjustable. A big step for mankind.
I will be even more grateful if the handles sizes can be adjustable too. In Carrara, even with high precision CAD/ gaming mouse or Wacom pro pen and multiple re-calibration attempts, it takes on average
2-3 clicks to grab hold of Sequencer timeline's tiny tiny tiny little triangle
2-3 more clicks to grab tiny triangles expand/ collapse scene groups
3 clicks to successfully grab parameter dial or morph target handle
3 clicks to successfully grab gizmo axis
4 to 5 clicks to select one single Puppeteer dot just to move or delete it
For reference, on average it takes just ONE click to select things or grab on to any dials in other softwares. Amazing.
One day Carrara will get there. One day, it will take just one click to select or move GUI thingy. Looking forward to it.
More bug.
I have uninstalled previous 8.5 Release, a crash-city comatose piece after + PostgresValentinaCovertion installation.
I also uninstalled, then re-installed all native Content packs to the already installed
My Objects then sank to the very bottom. My Shaders, My Clips, however, stayed on top, as they should, with their custom subfolders.
I removed folder My Objects, relaunch Carrara, hoping it will auto-load correctly again. Nope.
Of course I can manually 'Add Folder' again. But new folders will sit many many many folders down at the very bottom, refuses to be moved to the top. Which defeats My Objects folder's purpose as a quick save quick load CATCH-ALL folder.
In the previous release this UNMOVABLE FOLDER issue existed. I have not complained but worked around it by adding subfolders into all the top My Presets folders. So that I could save and access my custom shaders and clips without tedius click scroll click click click click scroll click click just to save/load a frequently used object. But now with new I no longer have a My Objects to add subfolders to!!!
Please fix ASAP.
Installed the release, loaded a fully dressed genesis 2 character and Carrara Pro just crashed during load with a SIGSEGV.
This is not a release software sorry.
Eeek so glad I unticked it in DIM
Well, I skipped over the full carrara release and just downloaded / installed the Beta 243 build ...
The Bad:
1. Well, some former Gen2 female characters I posed in Studio still has the skeleton detached from the mesh ... Static mesh in default "T" pose, while the skeleton is in the posed position. Any items parented to the hands are in correct place with posed skeleton and can pose skeleton however body mesh remains static... Could be a Daz Studio translation issue too, since up until now I haf to do my character clothing and posing in Studio due to Carrara 8.5 Pro 64bit would limit me to 2 or 3 pieces of clothing before crashing...
- (No worries: Any and all characters that had that Mesh / Skeleton seperation issue I already eported to obj and loaded them manually in carrara, shaders and all. )
2. Architools serial / key number still won't remember / take after entering - works only for the current session, prompts for serial / key on every fresh carrarara load.
Good / Bad:
Getting 2 or more Genesis 2 figues in the scene, adding poses - carrara starts getting sluggish - sitting at 79.9% loading pose for a litle while... several minutes at least... the pose does load accurately though. Also a bit of similar suggishness - even browsing the Smart Content tab for poses etc ... End result is if you have a bit of patience, it DOES load, both pose and content listings, instead of all-out crashing and indefinte lockup that previous builds have been prior to Beta 243 Build.
The good:
It seems I can actually fully cloth and pose Genesis2 females now. Just tried loading the Genesis 2 sniper (full) outfit and loads just fine. Had to manually set the parent / conform Torso Plates from the Body Leoptard outfit , set conform to Genesis 2 figure... But other than that, i'm actually impressed for once!
Also seems loading some skin texture sets, the white skin seams seems to be remedied... This still needs further testing.
Will test further tonight and next few days.
Side note - looks like i had forgotten to un-install for former version of Carrara through the DIM .... wondering if i should un-install both full and beta builds... although if i have to re-install the rest of the carrara native content and package files...
Syetem Specs - Win 8.1 Pro 64bit, 64gb ddr3 ram, 2x xeon cpus, ati r9-290x video card
First render
1x Genesis 2 female sniper outfit loaded and posed all in Carrara, 1x Genesis2 female with halo genesis armor (genesis1 converted to genesis 2 in daz studio) - studio scene sub-set imported into carrara then posed, and hair added.
Next batch below 1st post - the daz studio posed and clothed, saved as scene subset , imported into carrara, skeleton detached from mesh, mesh body static
Well you should be able to have both the Beta and the standard/full release version installed at the same time without issue. As for reinstalling content if you uninstall Carrara, you shouldn't loose anything. Similar to Daz Studio or Bryce, you can uninstall/reinstall without it affecting content. If you are worried backup the path C:\Program Files\DAZ\Carrara and backup data, extensions (if you have added any), presets, readme's, runtime, and scenes folders then if it is zapped you can restore. But I doubt it will (I would backup just to be safe though).
As for your other issues, I haven't tried them yet. i will soon. But I don't have windows 8 on this machine, so that may be a factor.
K, guess only thing I'd have to re-do is add all my legacy runtime folders back in. might be worth a shot removing and re-installing architools too... really fun addon building designer for carrara - kinda like how the Sims pc game is for house designing - point and click where you want your walls, doors, windows, etc.
Still, even with the "bad" i posted above, i'm still quite impressed with this release, and it can only get better from here. Hope the Carrara design team is keeping tabs on this thread! :)
I purchased 8.5 and testing YAToon2 on 8.5.19
- load Genesis, select Actor, check some items under Effects, get this error:
“An error occurred while executing change data component”
Not sure this belongs under Content, but I haven’t seen this occur with anything other than Genesis.
This issue is not fixed? I cannot test Genesis Toon Render in this problem.
Testing Gen3/Gen4 figures Toon Render test is completed. it works fine.
I installed an update the other day, and everything worked fine. Today, there was another update, I can't do anything.
I did a complete uninstall, but I can no longer create a new scene, or load old ones. And I also get the attached error for Octane.
Still glad I avoided installing it :lol:
OK, well, I purchased Carrara Pro 8.5 back in Feb '15 and (believe it or not) never got around to actually installing it (I was still shopping for my dream PC at the time).
Given that time frame, which version do I likely have available for download now? If this was an older release, can I still download that version or am I stuck downloading the buggy update?
So confused. :-/
You're probably stuck.
Did you also re-download in case the file was corrupted?
Do you have the most recent version of Architools? The one here in the DAZ store is not the most recent version, but if you bought it here you can get the current version from the creator's website and it should take your serial number and remember it. I had the same problem and this fixed it for me - I've never had to enter the s/n again. :)
Latest version of the plugin:
Just an FYI, the white skin seam was traced back to the textures defaulting to Fast Mip Map if I recall correctly. If you change them to Sampling then they seem to go away. I haven't had the issue myself, but I do notice the textures seem to better when I change them back to Sampling. That could be subject on my part, so your mileage may vary.
@ Noel
I didn't get offered a update via DIM, so I assume you mean the beta? I haven't tried the beta yet...and if that is update you updated at the moment I am glad I didn't get it :/
I think if you just get the normal release you should be fine, at least I am not having any issues at the moment. But I don't have any plugins or such, just the basic and a few additional content items such as hair and a few skins (Most of my purchased content is Daz Studio thus far)
Very cool about Architools, never saw that product before, looks very interesting. I might have to get that sometime. Even more a big thanks for the tip about getting the latest version via the creator's website.
The above mystery is solved 2 days after submitting bug report. Since there is no official update on this I will volunteer.
It is not clear if this is an issue unique to my setup. Note that I have custom subfolders within My Objects, including a SHORTCUT folder.
If anyone has My Objects missing, reset Preference. That's it. After reset preference, My Objects will reappear where it should be. Some missing Carrara native content folders will also re-appear.
And since Carrara's preference configuration file cannot be found anywhere obvious in the program folders, this means if you have extensive custom UI settings, hotkey assignments, they will be all wiped out. And you have do it all again.
This still doesn't resolve Carrara's immovable folder within Browser issue (Carrara 9 I hope). But at least I get My Objects back and I can drag drop custom scenes/ groups/ objects into it again.
I also want to confirm, my previous issues with previous Release build243, namely NLA error messages and sluggish, do not exist with release
NLA now works without error popups, and random freeze issue no more.
********NEW ISSUE (or old issue)**********
The only oddity I have right now is with dynamic hair Modeling Room viewport blackout. Spontaneously, while working on dynamic hair in Modeling Room (usually after simulation stage) the Modeling room viewport will experience total blackout, and no matter what I click on won't get the viewport to behave again. However, Modeling room lower right mini viewport and Assembly room viewport both still function. This means save scene, close, reload scene, to continue working, until next spontaneous modeling room blackout.
However I have never worked with dynamic hair prior to, so I have no idea if this is an ongoing bug or new bug.
Hopefully the dynamic hair frequent users of this or previous version can give some clues...
The above mystery is solved 2 days after submitting bug report. Since there is no official update on this I will volunteer.
It is not clear if this is an issue unique to my setup. Note that I have custom subfolders within My Objects, including a SHORTCUT folder.
If anyone has My Objects missing, reset Preference. That's it. After reset preference, My Objects will reappear where it should be. Some missing Carrara native content folders will also re-appear.
And since Carrara's preference configuration file cannot be found anywhere obvious in the program folders, this means if you have extensive custom UI settings, hotkey assignments, they will be all wiped out. And you have do it all again.
This still doesn't resolve Carrara's immovable folder within Browser issue (Carrara 9 I hope). But at least I get My Objects back and I can drag drop custom scenes/ groups/ objects into it again.
I also want to confirm, my previous issues with previous Release build243, namely NLA error messages and sluggish, do not exist with release
NLA now works without error popups, and random freeze issue no more.
********NEW ISSUE (or old issue)**********
The only oddity I have right now is with dynamic hair Modeling Room viewport blackout. Spontaneously, while working on dynamic hair in Modeling Room (usually after simulation stage) the Modeling room viewport will experience total blackout, and no matter what I click on won't get the viewport to behave again. However, Modeling room lower right mini viewport and Assembly room viewport both still function. This means save scene, close, reload scene, to continue working, until next spontaneous modeling room blackout.
However I have never worked with dynamic hair prior to, so I have no idea if this is an ongoing bug or new bug.
Hopefully the dynamic hair frequent users of this or previous version can give some clues...
Well, the blackout issue you mention is the first I've heard of it. C7 and the prior version of C8.5 didn't do it for me. It almost sounds like a graphics card problem, or how Carrara communicates with the card. Do you have the option to show and generate hairs enabled when this happens? Can you access the interactive Renderer and switch between OpenGL and Software to see if that fixes it?
Since installing the latest update my Presets Wizard has been acting funky. Everything else seems OK so far, but in the Scene - Atmospheres tab I have lost all the Sky presets. It's telling me to reinstall from the CD...