Content Library tab search

It'd be great if you could improve the search feature on the Content Library tab to find something .

I have libraries in two or three different locations, primarily because of disk space concerns on my C drive.  So sometimes it's hard to remember where I have a given asset.  Since so many items have generic names like "Zero" or "shirt" or "Base Material" etc  It would be great if it was possible to search on folder names.  Type in a Folder name, and it either shows that folder in the tree view, or shows any assets under any folder that matches the search.  

That way if I'm looking for anything for a beanstalk that's named "Climbing Plant" and I can't remember that, then  I can do a search for Fairy Tale Jack and it'll show me Jack, the Climbing Plant, beans, cow, and Giant as well as the Materials folder icon because they're all in that folder.


  • The request for the content search engine in DS to include folder names (perhaps as an option) has been on the table literally for years and nothing has been done about it yet, so, sadly, don't hold your breath.

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