Carrara Seance: The Swami mutters, "Open Source, Open Source"

The Supernatural Season begins. A group of living and deceased Carrarians sit at a table before a Hindu Carrarian Swami. What does he predict for the future of Carrara?
(pic from an old Ed Wood film)

the fiasco.jpg
900 x 675 - 42K
Post edited by Retro Lad on
why are they all male or at least the living ones?
I can see two females there.. opposite each other .. at least I thought they were.
I guess the one that looks like a Russian cossack and the Beatle opposite are women
The Swami was heard to mention in his trance state, over, and over again, "open source, open source ...."
Two women are sitting at the front of the table close to the Swami. I added a pic of the Swami eyeing the fur coated woman sitting to his right.
Lord "Iron Lung" was materialized briefly by the Swami. At least I think it was Lord "Iron Lung", or was it Head Wax, hah, ha, hah.
Also, one of the skeletons is a woman, or is it two?
My desktop computer died, so it's corny jokes now instead of imagery for a while.
It's Tor Johnson carrying a coffin containing my dead computer and then burying it. Well, why not: an alternative universe, Ha ha
Has anyone made a model of Tor Johnson, the Swedish wrestler, who was discovered by the American director Ed Wood in some sleazy wrestling joint in old downtown LA in the 1960s.
Hmmm, has anyone made a model of Elvira?
There was a V3 Elvira, don't remember who did it though.
EDIT:- Just found my copy in my Runtime - textures are in the Poser World files.
EDIT2:- Don't know if it is the same character but the PoserWorld version has a greenish Christmas Elf look to it.
Maybe it Elvira's daugther.
there are a few suitable hairs
is one
and on somewhere called renderosity Disciple 3D's horror-hostess
There is also Vampira from the 50s, I believe, who hosted a TV Horror Movie series. I was too young then to watch her, and prefered "Felix the Cat" anyway. You can see Vampira in "Plan 9 From Outer Space", and there is a good colorized version of the film.
Here are some video snaps of Elvira In case anyone wants to try modeling her. Maybe Diomede can make a toon Elvira.
not sure if an image counts as an offsite commercial link
guess I will find out
I am still fiddling with Vicky 4, and gave up on the whole Genesis line. I didn't know that Genesis has reached 8.