Video Link: Trying out compositing

PGrePGre Posts: 95
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Set it to 720p. YouTube seems not to handle the parts with particles very well.


1280 x 720 - 119K


  • edited December 1969

    Hi pgre,
    What did the particles look like before Youtube screwed them up ?, they look like little triangles

  • PGrePGre Posts: 95
    edited December 1969

    The particles are indeed triangles. I've noticed that the overall quality of the video suffers while the parts with the particles are playing. It seems to be happen when youtube processes the video.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Hmmm... Looked pretty damn good to me.

  • cdordonicdordoni Posts: 583
    edited December 1969

    pgre said:
    The particles are indeed triangles. I've noticed that the overall quality of the video suffers while the parts with the particles are playing. It seems to be happen when youtube processes the video.

    I have not played with youtube upload settings myself, so I don't know if there is anything that could improve it in this case.

    I have heard many complaints about youtube quality, and while some could be attributed to inexperience (there are many compression codecs) I know some of these are coming from people that understand compression and know which codec to use.

  • edited December 1969

    Hey all,
    One thing i do know about Youtube compression is it's pretty damn good at what it does but there is one major common denominator which can produce an undesirable end result. This is related to the actual video clip you offer up to youtube to recompress. The ideal situation is to offer up an uncompressed video so when youtube processes it it is being compressed for the first time. Most peoples video offerings to youtube will already be compressed prior to upload by another form of Codec which is'nt ideal.

    Using pgre's video as an example - The small and fine detail defined by the particle objects will get processed once using one type of codec which looses quality to begin with at render time, then, once youtube gets hold of this 'No Longer Perfect' image data it will then recompress the damaged particle data and again it will look worse which is highly likely to be the cause of this problem.

    There is help and tips available when you upload on youtube, might be worth looking at these incase something there helps to solve this prob.


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