32nd Daz3D Bryce Render challenge ### In The Dark Of The Night ###



  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    A Holiday theme works for me.

    Happy Thanksgiving to US Brycers!

    In China, they have no idea about this holiday.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,508

    Hansmar - good idea and nicely done.

  • HenryhorHenryhor Posts: 258

    @ Hansmar: hope papa is right. Interesting light setting. Well done.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : very nice scene, good work.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,360

    Hansmar - wow love your entry, my mama used to say that to me smiley beautiful lighting

  • @ Hansmar: Great idea, very nice light. Well done.

    @ Chohole: A holiday theme would not be bad.

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    @hansmar... Pappa was right except for those things that lurk in the deep shadows... great shadows especially from that tilted lampshade...

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,118

    @ ed3D: Very nice improvements. The colors of the Big Leopard are great.

    Thanks very much_``~...

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,118
    edited November 2018

    Hansmar : eerie, deep and dark   -

    S Ray :  well, done +

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • S RayS Ray Posts: 399

    Thank comments all  
     Here's #2 Deep in the Night

    Deep in the Night.jpg
    1600 x 900 - 663K
  • HenryhorHenryhor Posts: 258

    That's one watchful dog. Peaceful scene. Interesting picture on the wall.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,508

    S Ray - looks like the movie on the TV was boring. Very well done scene.

  • @ S Ray: At least for the dog, the program seems to be interesting. Well done scene.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920
    edited November 2018

    wow... I love your Ideas, and all are very well done.


    So here is my first entry:


    the courtyard 1.jpg
    1400 x 787 - 825K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,508

    Yellow Pen - very natural and nicely lit.

  • @ Yellow Pen: Very peacefull and well done.

  • HenryhorHenryhor Posts: 258

    @ Yellow Pen: could be an illustration for a gothic novel. Well done.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    S Ray : beautiful scene. Probably boring commercials, not for the dog though, must be about dog food !

    Yellow Pen : Pleasant and peaceful image, very well done.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,360

    SRay - lovely scene, well done.

    Yellow Pen - beautiful scene, lighting is perfect.

  • thank you Horo, Drachenlords, Henryhor, adbc and Mermaid for your nice Comments smiley

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    @sray... Deep in the Night... great image... love the tv light glow
    @yellowpen... The Court Yard is a beautigul image... and I agree ...a great cover for Gothic novel

  • thanks mtnmen smiley

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 499
    edited November 2018

    Many thanks (belatedly) for the comments on my first entry.

    Here’s my second: “Moon Dance”.

    This is the first time I’ve tried a couples pose. Thankfully the Bryce bridge keeps the correct positional data since I had to bring the figures in separately to Bryce, reduce the memory usage and then merge them back together.


    Figures, hair and clothing from DAZ3D.

    Posed in DS4.6 from dance poses by DM.

    Moon by Dave Savage (my thanks for such a nice model).

    Nighttime buildings from CGTextures, turned into a 2D “billbord” in Photoshop.

    Chairs are from the Modo object presets.

    Greek Temple model is an old one whose creator I don’t remember.


    Primarily Illuminated by 2 dome lights and a distant light at the moon’s position. Building’s by 2 parallel lights.

    Rendered at 64 RPP, TA enabled - just under 7 hours to render.

    Thanks for looking!

    1250 x 926 - 356K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,884
    edited November 2018

    Horo, Henryhor, adbc, mermaid, drachenlords, mtnmen, ed3D: Thanks for the comments.

    S Ray: Very nice scene and lights. Must be midnight cat-movies on.

    Yellow Pen: Very well lit scene and could be just a simple take from reality. Nice buildings/stairs.

    Dan Whiteside: Must be very nice to dance in the moonlight. Nice lighting. One thing, though, It looks like the picture is compressed in the X-axis, because these dancers appear to be unnaturally slim to me. And the moon is having anorexia too, I fear.

    My last entry: "The darkness in the night". This is one of those cases, where I know in advance that the render won't get me any votes, but still, I like to create something different anyway. Myself, I would probably react: "Nice, but a bit too dark for my screen," but this time, I did that on purpose.

    Thanks again for the wonderful moon, Dave!

    875 x 875 - 259K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,884
    edited November 2018

    Stop the presses, I reconsidered! Strike that last entry. I did play with my last scene again and made a render from the right (so not the camera). It needed some more modifications and then some cropping. I like the results now better. Totall different scene. I call it: "Dark night in a strange universe". It will still not win me may votes, but I like this one better now. There is always a need for some abstract entries, I think.

    799 x 497 - 99K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • HenryhorHenryhor Posts: 258

    @ Dan Whiteside: SOOO romantic. Music by Glenn Miller?

    @ Hansmar: I prefer the first one. Has something mysterious.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,508

    Dan - great scene. I agree with Hansmar, the picture looks squashed.

    Hansmar - interesting shape in the darkness in the night. The effect of the second is very good. I see why you prefer it. However, I agree with Henryhor that the first has something mysterious.

  • Dan Whiteside: Nice romantic scene.

    Hansmar: Thanks, and I agree with Henryhor and Horo about your first.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,360

    Dan -great scene

    Hansmar - both your entries are cool, I agree with the others about the 1st one.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Dan Whiteside  : "Moon Dance" very romantic.

    Hansmar : great abstract, I have to agree as well with the others about the first one. 

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