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How do I make a sphere glow, with no sharp edges? As if it is a glowing orb. I dont want to do it in post because Im making an animation, with figures intersecting the glowing orbs in the background.
Ive been searching the forums and I can't find a solution.
I honestly can't believe this hasnt already been brought up-- but to my knowledge and with google, it hasn't been.
How do you make a visible diffused light ball in DAZ 3d?
a quick way would be to use the ambient channel just put a colour in there and ramp the intensity if you use Uber surface shade (built in shader) subsurface shader (free plugin) to can take the intensity of the ambient channel over 100%.
Another option would be to make the object a light source using uber area light (built in to DS) which is a shader that yuo apply to a surface to make it act like a light.
thanks so much, but i need a little more info.
i did what you suggested, and i made the sphere white by ramping up the ambience and changing it to white-- now how do i make the edges of the sphere soft, and hazy and not sharp? as if its a star, or has the glowing effect?
a quick way would be to use the ambient channel just put a colour in there and ramp the intensity if you use Uber surface shade (built in shader) subsurface shader (free plugin) to can take the intensity of the ambient channel over 100%.
Another option would be to make the object a light source using uber area light (built in to DS) which is a shader that yuo apply to a surface to make it act like a light.
id really like to get the sphere looking like this image below. i made this in photoshop.
Would this product do it for you
I think you might want to use caustic lighting for this effect. You'll need a caustic effect camera. I happen to have one that just landed in the store, but it's optimized for underwater effects, so you might prefer Age of Armour's Effects Cameras. :)
Once you have the caustic camera, you create a caustic point light or an Area Glow surface shader in Shader Mixer.
thanks for the links, but its not exactly what im looking for, however, i can see when i will use those.
i found an old tutorial, which has exactly what i want-- but the steps are broken up, and its for an older version of daz.
its difficult to follow. especially because he uses an image to place on the plane, but then it removes the background somehow.
any help on interpreting this for the newest version. can someone explain this in better terms for me?
zigraphix is on the right track .
or you could invert your image and use as a trans map and add to the opacity channel of a plane that would give you the edge effect you are after and then you could play with the other settings.
go to create new primitive
under type select plane under size set 1 one and change scale to FT
and click accept
with the plane selected go to the parameters tab and select transformation then X rotate type in 90 and hit enter
now go to file export in the drop down box select wavefront object .obj and a location you will remember and give the object a name.
plane .obj for example in the presets options make sure to Daz studio is selected. and accept.
now delete the plane and go to file and import the obj you just created. again make sure DAZ studio is in the preset option.
now if you select the plane and select the parameters tab and go to the misc section you will see the point at option select the default camera.
and now you just have to set up the settings to make the glow ball.