Yukikaze type jets
Posts: 39
I'm not sure but maybe a LONG time ago I got a hold of a Yukikaze model for Poser. I don't have it anymore.
However, it is a really cool jet with awesome capabilities. Perhaps it is still online somewhere but I've been unable to locate it. Would be nice to have more fighter jets from the not-so distant future. It seems in terms of models, we jump from WW2 and current era to space.
Reference: https://www.google.co.jp/search?ei=rlnEW5PBDpaC-QbvzZjACw&q=yukikaze+&oq=yukikaze+&gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39k1l2j0l3j0i67k1j0l4.2826.3146.0.3816.
For a second, when I read "Yukikaze" I thought of... something else :p I must have watched too many saucy anime. The I remembered that the Blizzard (litterally Snowy Wind) was an aircraft after all... Ahhh Japan... so easy to jump from one topic to another, with these guys ~_^
Thanks will do!