Luthbel Appreciation. One of today's featured Artist

GrokDDGrokDD Posts: 59
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

"The Games" -The greatest sport of all is the one with no rules.

In appreciation for many of Luthbel's products, I wanted to share my latest piece. "The Games" which utilizes Luthbel's

Ad Gladio for Michael 4 twice on two Genesis figures. While I just paid full price for this item Aug 26. This item I think is a steal at 30-50% off. Wish I could afford Cthulhu Rising today. Oh well... next March maybe.

This piece went through many revisions but I am happy with this final one. Critiques welcome.

2 Genesis
2 Gladio's
2 spot lights with god rays behind the attacker, pointed a Target Helper Object just in front of the attackers face.
(When I spaced the spot lights a little farther apart, they created some WILD flame like effects in the background. I loooooved it, but it didn't quite fit with what I wanted.)

Benjamin for M5
James for M5
Ad Gladio for Michael 4
Ron's Clearwater for the sweat dripping off
Ron's Condensation I created wet maps layered in the bump and highlights channels
Carrara 8.5 Pro

Thanks again Luthbel.

1500 x 2000 - 4M
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