1700s to 1950s old to new updates

well there are lots of nice items  that fit into 1700s to 1950s some have been remade or updated for geneis 8  use , i would like  to see updates  for ones like The Kids 4 items  and that of Regency Girl for Kids 4 and historical  items that  doint easy fit  genesis 8  or that  i doint know if spend money on items that will not fit easy with out  buying converters  ,........i did get genesis 8 Mid Victorian Male Outfit  and female  items


but there non as for baby to young male and female  in  some time periods  

so me if can as bundle set of updates to fit easy as genesis  8 

imagin a 1700s  or 1800s or 1900  itmes that repersent a family   instead of searching for items and knowing if can fit into old to new made items  to make  realistic items 


like for my plan is to make historical familay of generations  of each period  from babys to old age  from 1700s to 1980s  

anyway hope  under stand  concept   of what would like  


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