G8F Looks Like Emaciated Waif???

Been working with V4 for a cople months now and when I loaded up a G8F, base model yesterday, it'ss generating out looking like this?
What's going on?
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Been working with V4 for a cople months now and when I loaded up a G8F, base model yesterday, it'ss generating out looking like this?
What's going on?
Image removed due to nudity
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You must have installed some morph that is on by default, can happen especialy with freebie morphs. But its easy to fix, have a look at the Parameters pane in the property group "Currently Used" you will find the morphs causing this shape. The values on the slider will show 100% or 1 in dark collor that means they are default values. Maybe they are hidden so check the Parameters options menu for Show Hidden Properties.
Now click on the Parameters Settings, its the gear icon on the slider. You get the Parameter Settings Dialogue where you can change the "Default" value to zero.
Finaly you need to save the Asset (the changed morph property settings) to have this default value of zero permanently saved. You can use File > Save > Support Asset > Save Modified Asset or Morph Asset the later is a bit more complicated because you have to find where the original morphs is saved on the harddrive in the Library folder called data. Usualy the morph Name is the Filename on disc.
It is apparently a FREE Character from Renderosity that was downloaded some time ago (I sincerely hope this image doesn't offend anyone)

When I zero'd out the values the image returned to the base charecter (image not shown so as not to offend anyone).
The trouble is that when I saved it via the "Save As" - "Support Asset" - "Save Modified Assets" the change was apparently, not perminantly installed as after clearing the model and rebooting it again, it booted with the asset vallues back to 100%.
It really annoys me when people make changes to my system that I don't authorize.
I think I'll delete the product entirely as I don't need or want it anyway and warn others that 3D Models product Ericka, changes your base G8F character and you'll have to go through this process to reset it.
*** UPDATE ***
My bad...
Again, I sincerely hope this image doesn't offend anyone.
My bad...
When I went to the site to post my consternation, I found this...
Too bad I didn't read the comments page huh.
Now I know better though.
*** UPDATE ***
Discovered that merely deleting the character within DAZ does not correct the issue. The character is deleted but the .dsf morph file remains in place under "My DAZ 3D Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/" (offending morph files)...
You have to manually delete the morph file as well.
Use the Microsoft “Start” button (lower, left corner)
In the “Search Programs & Files” box (lower left), Enter the name of the Character or prop
From the popup window, select the .dsf file associated with the offending character or prop and right click the mouse.
Select “Open File Location” from the popup that appears.
Note the URL address of the file location on your hard drives URL window (top of screen)
If the file folder shown holds more files than the offending character or prop, delete only the character or prop files.
If the file folder holds no other files, delete the folder itself.
After doing this, select "New" from the "File" task bar (top of screen)
Select "No" from the popup
Reboot the G8F and it should be back to norm.
THANK YOU! I've been bashing my brain in trying to figure out what has been causing this morph to echo across EVERY one of my Genesis 8 Female characters. It's been so frustrating trying to figure this out. I've deleted out all of the Ericka.dsf files and their folders from the Rend. freebie. Everything returned to normal again. Apparently the creator had promised to take this file down in 2018, but I just downloaded it in 2020 without realizing that it was corrupted, and now everyone of my G2F conversions into G8F has been plagued with this problematic set of morphs as well. That's two days worth of converted characters I now have to trash and reconvert. Oh well. I should of read the other victims' comments below the product before downloading. I was thinking of reporting the product to the website, but I don't know if that is a valid complaint. Granted, Ericka does act like a virus infecting all of the other G8F models that are owned.