it seems to say i need a sequence of obj files to select - but, i don't have any, i'm trying to generate a sequence, without having it take forever, writing every .mtl file
i'm sorry, i don't understand how to use this - the geosender was fine, if it would just save one mtl file - this seems to be a different function
it seems to say i need a sequence of obj files to select - but, i don't have any, i'm trying to generate a sequence, without having it take forever, writing every .mtl file
i'm sorry, i don't understand how to use this - the geosender was fine, if it would just save one mtl file - this seems to be a different function
please forgive me if i don't understand
when you export animated scenes as obj/mtl files,
the obj contains the objects themselves, so it's the biggest file, often in the tens of megabytes
the mtl file contains only very short descriptions of the materials in the scene, it tiny, a few kilobytes
so what takes time is exporting the objs
exporting the objs cant be faster than what Daz Studio 4 does
mcjGeoSender the script merely helps you save a sequence of objects instead of you having to manually save them one by one
and the mcjShareTheMtl script makes all the obj files in a sequence use the same .mtl file
( those obj and mtl files were exported earlier by you using mcjGeoSender or mcjTeleBlender or others )
so if you manually modify that one mtl file, for example, making the color of the skirt red
then if you load any one of the obj files in a program, the skirt will be red
i don't know if you expected to export a moving figure or even just an animatable figure to another program
but that's not really what mcjGeoSender, or mcjTeleBlender does
you could say, all it does is export 1 statue per animation frame
in the case of mcjTeleBlender, Blender will then render each statue as 1 image,
and when you turn those images into an avi file, it's a movie
I update from Daz3d 4.7 to Daz3d 4.8 Version Pro Edition (64 bit).
Now mcjTeleBlender3 fail to load in Blender 2.74 (64 bit), it open Blender with a empty scene.
My OS is Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
If the girl wear normal dress and export to Blender it will work, but if she wear dynamic dress it fail. Got a empty scene in Blender.
I need help to fix the mcjTeleBlender3 scripts.
Thank you,
UPDATE: 25 June 2015
I have find what create the issue, after many test.
If I use the default texture on the dynamic dress in Daz3d, all will work good. It will export in Blender.
But if I change the dress texture in Daz3d, it will fail to export in Blender.
So my workaround for this issue is to setup my dress texture only in Blender.
Like this all is working good again.
I look forward to checking out your new share materials script. I'm having some confusion as to what this script does that mcjTeleblender can't do by using the load material switch from a pre-configured blend file?
On the topic of mcjTeleblender, the latest version of DAZ Studio has made a change that is keeping the script from running. It looks like the script is making an unsupported statement or call.
Actually, as I investigate further, this my be a Genesis 3 issue. The script seems to work fine still with a Genesis 2 figure.
The version I am running is Pro Edition 64 Bit.
This is the error message from the script:
Executing Script...
Script Error: Line 2199
TypeError: Result of expression 'tex.getFilename' [undefined] is not a function.
Stack Trace: ()@K:/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Scripts/mcasual/mcjTeleBlender3.dsa:2199
Error executing script on line: 2199
Script executed in 19 secs 712 msecs.
Let me know if you need any additional information and as ALWAYS...thank you for your incredible support and ongoing development.
I got the same error with G3F and new G3F clothes.
My workaround is to use G3F default textures skin, this way it will load in Blender.
If I setup in Daz Victoria 7 skin, I will have the error.
And I setup the textures node skin only in Blender.
This way all work good again.
I got the same error with G3F and new G3F clothes.
My workaround is to use G3F default textures skin, this way it will load in Blender.
If I setup in Daz Victoria 7 skin, I will have the error.
And I setup the textures node skin only in Blender.
This way all work good again.
Thanks for responding with your work around. Casual is a genius so I'm sure he will figure out the conflict in time!
I got G3F in Blender today and made some test.
The bump mat fail to work in Cylces GPU render,
maybe because G3F use a UDIM map.
I seach some forum and find the Blender Cycles GPU do not support the UDIM maps.
So maybe it is why we got some error?
I got the same error with G3F and new G3F clothes.
My workaround is to use G3F default textures skin, this way it will load in Blender.
If I setup in Daz Victoria 7 skin, I will have the error.
And I setup the textures node skin only in Blender.
This way all work good again.
note that teleblender works better when the material/surfaces use the DS Default shaders
in my case the DS Default shader presets are in My DAZ 3D Library\Shader Presets\DS Defaults
from teleblender's point of view, there's no advantage in using the complex skin shaders used on Genesis
related to this, the .obj exporter doesn't export many of the surface properties found in those complex Genesis shaders
sometimes turning on or off the "collect maps" option solves the problems
a type of problem that may occur is : a texture file is in .tif format, but the obj exporter specifies( in the .mtl or in the .py file) that it's a .jpg ! so Blender will look for a jpg and fail to find it, but if the 'collect maps' option is on, maybe the obj exporter will create a .jpg version
Thank's for your answers, I have check the textures that G3F use they are all .jpg
I love that teleblender build the nodes textures, this way it is more easy for me to setup my nodes.
I do not have to search over my hard drive for the textures.
I have made some render test between G2F and G3F with my skin SSS nodes settings.
I use the same scene, sun light and camera settings.
Render with Cycles on GPU also have feature set to experimental.
My OS is Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
I have a good result with G2F, but G3F bump mat fail to work.
G3F_A bump set to 0.100 and G3F_B bump set to 3.000
See images.
I think it is because they have change the UV mat of G3F.
Cycles and Octane render do not support UDIM maps for now.
Do you know if we could convert that new UDIM map mesh of G3F to UV map?
So that G3F UV work like G2F do.
I export to Blender, all is ok, soon as turn on render view, everything is puple, is there some fix for this.
I have tried with Genesis1/2/3, all the same, is there a step I have missed.
when it's purple in Blender it means Blender was unable to find the texture images
sometimes turning ON the mcjTeleBlender "Collect Maps" option solves the problem
because it places a copy of the image textures in your scene, in a "Maps" folder
this "Maps" folder is in the same folder as where you specified you want the .obj scene file to be written
if this doesn't solve the problem
Along with .obj file, you will find a .mtl file
if you open it in Notepad/wordpad
you should be able to see where Blender is being told to look for the images
so, for example if the mtl file specifies something like "/Maps/VictoriaSkin.tif"
and you look in the Maps folder and see "VictoriaSkin.jpg" that tells you what the problem is
in the case of genesis shaders, since many of the textures are not exported in the mtl file
mcjteleblender has to work harder and it transfers them using the .py file
which is also found in the same folder as the .obj file.
So there too, you could open the .py file in wordpad/notepad
and try to figure what's going on
note that Teleblender works best when using standard Daz Default materials
the complex shaders on Genesis 2 and 3 have no advantages from mcjTeleBlender's point of view
if you can, look in your shader preset folders, there may be the DS Default shader
you could apply it to all the Genesis Surfaces, then re-select the appropriate images to each surface
then save this as a material preset and keep it for your next BlenderCycles renders
this way teleblender should have an easier time at telling Blender where the maps are
Shown below -
in Daz Studio 4.8
i launched TeleBlender3
i clicked the "Defaults" button
changed the "Export Scene as .obj" destination to something valid
and i added an environment sphere map
and that's it, i didn't use the "collect maps" function
Blender found all the Victoria 6 maps it needed
note that when i reset teleblender to "defaults"
it turned "Gloss Mix" on and gloss mix,
when using gloss mix, one has to more carefully
adjust glossiness, specular strength and specular colors
... well just trying to explain why her dress is all chrome'ey :)
1- if you installed a new version of Blender
did you remember to install the mcjBlendBot scripts in the Blender modules folder of that new version
2 - are you useing the latest versions of mcjTeleBlender 3 and mcjBlendBot?
3 - also there's an option in mcjTeleBlender named "Fix .mtl for Blender" it's rather important that it's turned On
personally, on the preceding Forum page, i used mcjTeleBlender's "defaults" button, and just had to re-specify the destination for the .obj file and it all worked for Genesis2 Victoria6
As always, I respect, admire and appreciate your hard work and quick response on the forums.
Just a comment, the gloss rough/factor parameters in the current DAZ script and BlendBot (version 11 April 2015) just don't seem to be working for me. As others have mentioned, so many of the materials just come out chrome looking. I have to manually go in and fix almost all of the nodes and when there are LOTS of materials, particularly like in a "set" type scene where an object has multiple materials, and where there are many, many objects, this can be very time consuming.
Two days ago, I went into BlendBot and tried to find the variables from the PY script you had produced so that I could force the gloss (roughness) to .1 and diffusion/gloss (mix factor) or influence to .2. In other words the "factor/mix" is diffusion shader 80% and the gloss shader 20%. Sometimes the gloss even needs to be at 10% (.1). Anyway, I was never able to achieve this just by plugging in decimals .1 for the roughness and .2 for the gloss factor using the DAZ script interface. It seems the script/variable will not accept a decimal point or perhaps the values are just being reassigned by other areas of the script or other factors being introduced??
I don't know if this helps at all but if you ever get into it again and if it would be easy enough to add a ("FORCE Gloss Roughness and Gloss Factor/Mix") option that would be AWESOME!!! There may be something else happening in the PY script that supercedes the values that are entered in the DAZ script interface. I've never been able to totally identify just what is happening as the nodes are built and where the values for building those nodes all comes from.
I think there is another PY script (Cycles?) that may influence the building of nodes or is it only the BlendBot PY?
Anyway...looks like lots of new users in the forum here and some folks that are very serious about Blender. I'm enjoying the new capabilities of the IRAY render engine in DAZ but still prefer the interface of Blender and the Cycles render engine. I hope you don't decide to abandon MCJTeleblender! ;-)
What i wonder know is, since 3dsmax is supporting python scripting, is it would be possible to make phyton scripts to use your daz generated scripts to create vray converted max scenes? Or the daz scripts should be altered, too?
I have no experience in daz scripting nor python scripting. But ihave a background of flash scripting. I bougth a python scripting book and it didnt look harder than acion script.
the python script generated by the daz script references things that are present in the Blender universe that wont be present elsewhere
and that python script uses python scripts ( the blendbot package ) that also reference things that are intimately related to the Blender-Cycles material node-trees
Sorry; where exactly is the actual mcjteleblender3?
Oops! Ok; at the very bottom of your page.
A comment on Cycles:
Yes, there's 3delight and Iray and LuxRender and so on,
but the variety of nodes in Cycles allows you to be photorealistic,
or, better yet, to go beyond photorealism!
...that python script uses python scripts ( the blendbot package ) that also reference things that are intimately related to the Blender-Cycles material node-trees...
Ok; I have now downloaded and installed your and,
and your DAZ scripts, so that —yes!— your DAZ dialog shows up (THANK you!)
but, on the Blender side, I can activate only the following:
...that python script uses python scripts ( the blendbot package ) that also reference things that are intimately related to the Blender-Cycles material node-trees...
Ok; I have now downloaded and installed your and, and your DAZ scripts, so that —yes!— your DAZ dialog shows up (THANK you!) but, on the Blender side, I can activate only the following:
On the DAZ Studio side, things appear to be working.
For the Blender side, I installed your mcjTeleBlender3 and mcjBlenderBot
by downloading the .zip files, and then telling Blender,
under User Preference Ad-ons, to install the .zip files.
As a result, a number of .py files were filed in the right place,
and I now can see, in Blender, a number of mcj Add-ons.
To begin with, they are shown, but not activated.
In order to activate them,
you have to tick off the rightmost little checkbox of each,
and that works without complaint except for:
mcjMakeCyclesNodes and
In all of those cases, trying to tick the checkbox
results in the message:
On the DAZ Studio side, things appear to be working.
For the Blender side, I installed your mcjTeleBlender3 and mcjBlenderBot
by downloading the .zip files, and then telling Blender,
under User Preference Ad-ons, to install the .zip files.
As a result, a number of .py files were filed in the right place,
and I now can see, in Blender, a number of mcj Add-ons.
To begin with, they are shown, but not activated.
In order to activate them,
you have to tick off the rightmost little checkbox of each,
and that works without complaint except for:
mcjMakeCyclesNodes and
In all of those cases, trying to tick the checkbox
results in the message:
• • •
for some reason my Blender on my Win7 ( hopefully Win10 )
doesn’t insist on having the modules registered
• • •
My Dear Jacques!
THANK you, again, for your time and patience!
Registration looks like a non-issue to me, given the fact that
(a) most of your .py files activate without complaint;
(b) the error message says No module named progress_report.
Wouldn’t that indicate that you’re calling a module with that name,
and the location of that module is undefined?
If so, it must be a nested call, because I’ve searched
the fussy .py files for "progress" and find no reference at all to "progress_report".
Are you indirectly calling the Operating System’s [Mac OS 10.6.8] progress bar?
i'm almost sure i never wrote/ or called a function called progress_report
if i search through my blender folder
no file contains the name progress_report
maybe maybe some other module by someone else
is involved
maybe in very very recent versions of Blender my modules marked as being importers are expected to supply a function wherein i report on the progress of the import
you could try with slightly older Blender versions
• • • for some reason my Blender on my Win7 ( hopefully Win10 ) doesn’t insist on having the modules registered • • •
My Dear Jacques!
THANK you, again, for your time and patience! Registration looks like a non-issue to me, given the fact that
(a) most of your .py files activate without complaint;
(b) the error message says No module named progress_report.
Wouldn’t that indicate that you’re calling a module with that name,
and the location of that module is undefined?
If so, it must be a nested call, because I’ve searched
the fussy .py files for "progress" and find no reference at all to "progress_report".
Are you indirectly calling the Operating System’s [Mac OS 10.6.8] progress bar?
it's almost ready
well someday if there's a demand for it i'll add a button to rename all the
out_framexx.obj files to framexx.obj
The mcjsharethemtl script is Ready !
The One Paragraph manual and the downloadable script for DS3 DS4 is
and if you have trouble downloading it there, try here
To recap, this script helps you unify the use of a single .mtl file by a series of numbered .obj files
those sequences may be produced by mcjGeoSender , mcjTeleBlender or other programs/scripts
the script doesnt overwrite or delete files unless you ask for it
it seems to say i need a sequence of obj files to select - but, i don't have any, i'm trying to generate a sequence, without having it take forever, writing every .mtl file
i'm sorry, i don't understand how to use this - the geosender was fine, if it would just save one mtl file - this seems to be a different function
please forgive me if i don't understand
when you export animated scenes as obj/mtl files,
the obj contains the objects themselves, so it's the biggest file, often in the tens of megabytes
the mtl file contains only very short descriptions of the materials in the scene, it tiny, a few kilobytes
so what takes time is exporting the objs
exporting the objs cant be faster than what Daz Studio 4 does
mcjGeoSender the script merely helps you save a sequence of objects instead of you having to manually save them one by one
and the mcjShareTheMtl script makes all the obj files in a sequence use the same .mtl file
( those obj and mtl files were exported earlier by you using mcjGeoSender or mcjTeleBlender or others )
so if you manually modify that one mtl file, for example, making the color of the skirt red
then if you load any one of the obj files in a program, the skirt will be red
i don't know if you expected to export a moving figure or even just an animatable figure to another program
but that's not really what mcjGeoSender, or mcjTeleBlender does
you could say, all it does is export 1 statue per animation frame
in the case of mcjTeleBlender, Blender will then render each statue as 1 image,
and when you turn those images into an avi file, it's a movie
I update from Daz3d 4.7 to Daz3d 4.8 Version Pro Edition (64 bit).
Now mcjTeleBlender3 fail to load in Blender 2.74 (64 bit), it open Blender with a empty scene.
My OS is Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
If the girl wear normal dress and export to Blender it will work, but if she wear dynamic dress it fail. Got a empty scene in Blender.
I need help to fix the mcjTeleBlender3 scripts.
Thank you,
UPDATE: 25 June 2015
I have find what create the issue, after many test.
If I use the default texture on the dynamic dress in Daz3d, all will work good. It will export in Blender.
But if I change the dress texture in Daz3d, it will fail to export in Blender.
So my workaround for this issue is to setup my dress texture only in Blender.
Like this all is working good again.
Nice render everyones,
I look forward to checking out your new share materials script. I'm having some confusion as to what this script does that mcjTeleblender can't do by using the load material switch from a pre-configured blend file?
On the topic of mcjTeleblender, the latest version of DAZ Studio has made a change that is keeping the script from running. It looks like the script is making an unsupported statement or call.
Actually, as I investigate further, this my be a Genesis 3 issue. The script seems to work fine still with a Genesis 2 figure.
The version I am running is Pro Edition 64 Bit.
This is the error message from the script:
Executing Script...
Script Error: Line 2199
TypeError: Result of expression 'tex.getFilename' [undefined] is not a function.
Stack Trace: ()@K:/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Scripts/mcasual/mcjTeleBlender3.dsa:2199
Error executing script on line: 2199
Script executed in 19 secs 712 msecs.
Let me know if you need any additional information and as ALWAYS...thank you for your incredible support and ongoing development.
Hi DM3D,
I got the same error with G3F and new G3F clothes.
My workaround is to use G3F default textures skin, this way it will load in Blender.
If I setup in Daz Victoria 7 skin, I will have the error.
And I setup the textures node skin only in Blender.
This way all work good again.
Thanks for responding with your work around. Casual is a genius so I'm sure he will figure out the conflict in time!
You are welcome DM3D,
I got G3F in Blender today and made some test.
The bump mat fail to work in Cylces GPU render,
maybe because G3F use a UDIM map.
I seach some forum and find the Blender Cycles GPU do not support the UDIM maps.
So maybe it is why we got some error?
Have a nice day everyone, ;)
note that teleblender works better when the material/surfaces use the DS Default shaders
in my case the DS Default shader presets are in My DAZ 3D Library\Shader Presets\DS Defaults
from teleblender's point of view, there's no advantage in using the complex skin shaders used on Genesis
related to this, the .obj exporter doesn't export many of the surface properties found in those complex Genesis shaders
sometimes turning on or off the "collect maps" option solves the problems
a type of problem that may occur is : a texture file is in .tif format, but the obj exporter specifies( in the .mtl or in the .py file) that it's a .jpg ! so Blender will look for a jpg and fail to find it, but if the 'collect maps' option is on, maybe the obj exporter will create a .jpg version
Hi Casual,
Thank's for your answers, I have check the textures that G3F use they are all .jpg
I love that teleblender build the nodes textures, this way it is more easy for me to setup my nodes.
I do not have to search over my hard drive for the textures.
I have made some render test between G2F and G3F with my skin SSS nodes settings.
I use the same scene, sun light and camera settings.
Render with Cycles on GPU also have feature set to experimental.
My OS is Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
I have a good result with G2F, but G3F bump mat fail to work.
G3F_A bump set to 0.100 and G3F_B bump set to 3.000
See images.
I think it is because they have change the UV mat of G3F.
Cycles and Octane render do not support UDIM maps for now.
Do you know if we could convert that new UDIM map mesh of G3F to UV map?
So that G3F UV work like G2F do.
Best regards,
i did some reading about UDIM
i dont have G3/V7
this here is an explanation i think i understand
there's 1 image file per UV tile and
and each UV tile is just a normal UV texture
which is something we could do with the old UV system
during my reading i saw someone mention that Blender can do painting on UDIM
someday maybe i'll modify mcjTeleBlender so that it uses the 3Delight/Rib files as the export mechanism
is G3/v7 still renderable using soft/3Delight?
( random recent BlenderCycles render of a DazStudio3 scene, Amy/Aiko3 )
Hi All,
I am using mcjTeleBlender3 with Daz studio 4.8.
I export to Blender, all is ok, soon as turn on render view, everything is puple, is there some fix for this.
I have tried with Genesis1/2/3, all the same, is there a step I have missed.
when it's purple in Blender it means Blender was unable to find the texture images
sometimes turning ON the mcjTeleBlender "Collect Maps" option solves the problem
because it places a copy of the image textures in your scene, in a "Maps" folder
this "Maps" folder is in the same folder as where you specified you want the .obj scene file to be written
if this doesn't solve the problem
Along with .obj file, you will find a .mtl file
if you open it in Notepad/wordpad
you should be able to see where Blender is being told to look for the images
so, for example if the mtl file specifies something like "/Maps/VictoriaSkin.tif"
and you look in the Maps folder and see "VictoriaSkin.jpg" that tells you what the problem is
in the case of genesis shaders, since many of the textures are not exported in the mtl file
mcjteleblender has to work harder and it transfers them using the .py file
which is also found in the same folder as the .obj file.
So there too, you could open the .py file in wordpad/notepad
and try to figure what's going on
note that Teleblender works best when using standard Daz Default materials
the complex shaders on Genesis 2 and 3 have no advantages from mcjTeleBlender's point of view
if you can, look in your shader preset folders, there may be the DS Default shader
you could apply it to all the Genesis Surfaces, then re-select the appropriate images to each surface
then save this as a material preset and keep it for your next BlenderCycles renders
this way teleblender should have an easier time at telling Blender where the maps are
Shown below -
in Daz Studio 4.8
i launched TeleBlender3
i clicked the "Defaults" button
changed the "Export Scene as .obj" destination to something valid
and i added an environment sphere map
and that's it, i didn't use the "collect maps" function
Blender found all the Victoria 6 maps it needed
note that when i reset teleblender to "defaults"
it turned "Gloss Mix" on and gloss mix,
when using gloss mix, one has to more carefully
adjust glossiness, specular strength and specular colors
... well just trying to explain why her dress is all chrome'ey :)
Hi Casual,
Thanks for the fast reply.
I have done a little digging.
Fist I tried the collect maps, same thing happened.
I then checked the .mtl file, they all point at the correct directory and all correct format.
In blender all the texture maps are listed but do not display in the image editor.
when I click reload, they seem to point to c:\, root dir. even though in the .mtl they are looking at correct dir.
I have replaced each texture with its correct on, it is showing in the image editor correct. but still all purple.
I am no good with python, so cant really know what's going on in your script.
did yours look like that?
other things to look at
1- if you installed a new version of Blender
did you remember to install the mcjBlendBot scripts in the Blender modules folder of that new version
2 - are you useing the latest versions of mcjTeleBlender 3 and mcjBlendBot?
3 - also there's an option in mcjTeleBlender named "Fix .mtl for Blender" it's rather important that it's turned On
personally, on the preceding Forum page, i used mcjTeleBlender's "defaults" button, and just had to re-specify the destination for the .obj file and it all worked for Genesis2 Victoria6
Thanks casual,
Seems to be working now, seems it was a mix of re-booting the system, re-installing Daz, also I turned on fix.mtl.
Not sure what one cured it, or a mix of all 3.
Thanks for your help, all good so far.
Sorry; where exactly is the actual mcjteleblender3?
I can find versions 1 and 2, but not 3.
Anyway, THANK YOU !!
By the way, great advice for those of us who want materials, armature, and pose:
Hi Casual,
As always, I respect, admire and appreciate your hard work and quick response on the forums.
Just a comment, the gloss rough/factor parameters in the current DAZ script and BlendBot (version 11 April 2015) just don't seem to be working for me. As others have mentioned, so many of the materials just come out chrome looking. I have to manually go in and fix almost all of the nodes and when there are LOTS of materials, particularly like in a "set" type scene where an object has multiple materials, and where there are many, many objects, this can be very time consuming.
Two days ago, I went into BlendBot and tried to find the variables from the PY script you had produced so that I could force the gloss (roughness) to .1 and diffusion/gloss (mix factor) or influence to .2. In other words the "factor/mix" is diffusion shader 80% and the gloss shader 20%. Sometimes the gloss even needs to be at 10% (.1). Anyway, I was never able to achieve this just by plugging in decimals .1 for the roughness and .2 for the gloss factor using the DAZ script interface. It seems the script/variable will not accept a decimal point or perhaps the values are just being reassigned by other areas of the script or other factors being introduced??
I don't know if this helps at all but if you ever get into it again and if it would be easy enough to add a ("FORCE Gloss Roughness and Gloss Factor/Mix") option that would be AWESOME!!! There may be something else happening in the PY script that supercedes the values that are entered in the DAZ script interface. I've never been able to totally identify just what is happening as the nodes are built and where the values for building those nodes all comes from.
I think there is another PY script (Cycles?) that may influence the building of nodes or is it only the BlendBot PY?
Anyway...looks like lots of new users in the forum here and some folks that are very serious about Blender. I'm enjoying the new capabilities of the IRAY render engine in DAZ but still prefer the interface of Blender and the Cycles render engine. I hope you don't decide to abandon MCJTeleblender! ;-)
the python script generated by the daz script references things that are present in the Blender universe that wont be present elsewhere
and that python script uses python scripts ( the blendbot package ) that also reference things that are intimately related to the Blender-Cycles material node-trees
Oops! Ok; at the very bottom of your page.
A comment on Cycles:
Yes, there's 3delight and Iray and LuxRender and so on,
but the variety of nodes in Cycles allows you to be photorealistic,
or, better yet, to go beyond photorealism!
Ok; I have now downloaded and installed your and,
and your DAZ scripts, so that —yes!— your DAZ dialog shows up (THANK you!)
but, on the Blender side, I can activate only the following:
But I CANNOT activate the following:
The complaint is that there is no module named 'progress_report' (!)
I have searched my computer, but come up empty with respect to that.
Any suggestions??
recently i noticed that when many objects in a daz scene use the same material names
for example, a bunch of Daz Primitives with the "Default" material
Daz Studio's 4.8's Obj exporter renames them in a way that my Py scripts fail to find them in the Blender Scene
Since parameters like glossy strengths and UV maps are sent to Blender through Python, this may explain some problems
so i added that to the list of things i want to do soon ... update TeleBlender, maybe call it TeleBlender4
the thing is, i spend a great deal of time in Daz Studio3 and not that much in DS4
and in DS3 teleBlender3 works quite well
Note that the major and historical way to adjust the Glossiness strength is through the Specular Color
when the "Gloss Mix" option is off
this should be true both in TeleBlender2 and TeleBlender3 mode
in TB3 mode, the Specular Strength and Glossiness for each surface is taken from that surface
in TB2 mode, the two parameters "Gloss Factor" and "Roughness" are taken in consideration and applied globally
when "Gloss Mix" option is on, the settings are used to mix the diffuse and glossiness channels
but i'm almost sure the "Specular Color" of each surface is of great importance
so until i revamp TeleBlender for (more of ) DS4's ways
i suggest you
Try to apply the Daz Default shader to everything, the other shaders are detrimental to teleblender's task
personally i usually set the Gloss Mix mode Off
then for your figure skin surfaces, set the Specular color to a darker gray than the default
here's a DS4.8 render,
i applied the DS Default Shader to Victoria6's skin
Notice how dark i made the Specular color 65/70/75
I should probably have made the Ambient color full black, because even with that dark Ambient color, once in Blender, she glows
I dont plan to abandon TeleBlender, because once the daz scenes are in Blender
I have all those gazillion goodies i can add, and i can fix geometry issues
I'm not sure what you mean by "I Can Activate"
normally the process goes this way
the Daz script mcjTeleBlender.dsa tells Daz Studio to export the scene as one big .obj file, most of the material properties are in the .mtl file
for everything else that's not in the obj/mtl files, Lights, cameras, Specular strength, UV Tiling etc, special things Blender should do
the script creates one BlenderPython file, for example if the scene is named Scene.obj/Scene.mtl
it also creates a batch file Scene.bat, which could be used to render the scene at a later date
Then it performs exactly the action described in that .batch file
which means, start Blender, and tell it to do the list of todo-things in the script
if you look in, you'll see that it tells Blender to import the scene.obj and Scene.mtl files
then it uses functions in the mcjBlendBot package to (re) create cameras, lights
and most importantly, it converts each plain vanilla Blender Material into BlenderCycle node trees
Thank you for your generosity and patience!
On the DAZ Studio side, things appear to be working.
For the Blender side, I installed your mcjTeleBlender3 and mcjBlenderBot
by downloading the .zip files, and then telling Blender,
under User Preference Ad-ons, to install the .zip files.
As a result, a number of .py files were filed in the right place,
and I now can see, in Blender, a number of mcj Add-ons.
To begin with, they are shown, but not activated.
In order to activate them,
you have to tick off the rightmost little checkbox of each,
and that works without complaint except for:
In all of those cases, trying to tick the checkbox
results in the message:
ah ok
for some reason my Blender on my Win7 ( hopefully Win10 )
doesnt insist on having the modules registered
all i do is unzip the blendbot zip package, then i "manually" place the PY files in
C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.74\scripts\modules
this is a normal zip file, it was not set up for being installed by Blender itself
so maybe if you tried to tell Blender, install this zip file, it's a well packaged script package .... well it's not
after i place the PY files in that folder, i dont register them by going somewhere in the user preferences
but a while ago someone was saying Blender was unhappy with the modules, because i guess he was trying to register them "officially"
so i added special headers to the files used by mcjTeleBlender
maybe some of the files are missing that special header?
if i look at the header for AddSky, it looks like this
bl_info = {
"name": "mcjAddSky",
"description": "mcjBlendBot utils - add world environment map",
"author": "mCasual/Jacques",
"version": (3, 9),
"blender": (2, 60, 0),
"location": "TextEditor - toolbar",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"category": "Import-Export" }
if i look at the header for mcjBlendBot, it looks like
bl_info = {
"name": "mcjBlendBot",
"description": "Post obj-import services mostly to build node-based materials for Cycles.",
"author": "mCasual/Jacques",
"version": (1, 0),
"blender": (2, 60, 0),
"location": "TextEditor - toolbar",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"category": "Import-Export"}
but i think the issue is, you're trying to make Blender install the zip file when in fact you're supposed to do it manually
i.e. place the files in the Blender Modules folder of the current version of Blender
My Dear Jacques!
THANK you, again, for your time and patience!
Registration looks like a non-issue to me, given the fact that
(a) most of your .py files activate without complaint;
(b) the error message says No module named progress_report.
Wouldn’t that indicate that you’re calling a module with that name,
and the location of that module is undefined?
If so, it must be a nested call, because I’ve searched
the fussy .py files for "progress" and find no reference at all to "progress_report".
Are you indirectly calling the Operating System’s [Mac OS 10.6.8] progress bar?
i'm almost sure i never wrote/ or called a function called progress_report
if i search through my blender folder
no file contains the name progress_report
maybe maybe some other module by someone else
is involved
maybe in very very recent versions of Blender my modules marked as being importers are expected to supply a function wherein i report on the progress of the import
you could try with slightly older Blender versions