Oh, that's all it is. I haven't noticed a problem with smoothing so far. I usually add a level of subdivision for rendering which helps hair and clothing look better.
then i write a batchfile named C:\teleblender\Back and Table Lamps.bat
"C:/Program Files/Blender Foundation/Blender/blender.exe" -P "C:\teleblender\Back and Table Lamps.py"
i cross my fingers and i launch "Back and Table Lamps.bat"
yay ! i'm in blender, the scene was loaded and my mcjBlendBot scripts did the huge work of converting all the materials in the scene into material/nodes
the scene is too big and hard to handle, so i click on 'A' to selecte everything and scale it down by typing S and 0.1
i create a camera, position it
add a few lights by converting their materials to "emissive"
the result is shown below - ( interior scenes with few small lights are always noisy, this is a 1000 samples render )
so if you understood what i did here you can render some Carrara scenes in Blender/Cycles today !
but as i was saying i plan to make it easier , by writing a Blender or a Carrara script ... this spring or summer :)
the second image shows the export settings i used in Carrara
This looks truly Fantastic. You are a life saver . Thanks So much!
I'll see if I can get it going this week Amazing!
PS: Will the summer version export animation, you think?
there will be animation yes, on blender's side it's just a matter of writing a python script as shown above but with 1 line per .obj file to render and a batch file with 1 line per obj file to render. Those 2 files would be generated by blender after you specify where your .obj files are located.
i know poser can export sequences of numbered .obj files. But for Carrara i don't know if someone wrote a plugin or script to do it .
else i'll have to get acquainted with Carrara's plugin SDK.
This looks truly Fantastic. You are a life saver . Thanks So much!
I'll see if I can get it going this week Amazing!
PS: Will the summer version export animation, you think?
note that if you export from carrara in DAE format and import it in Blender,using File/import the results are not that bad in fact the colors seem OK compares to the obj import (don't know whose fault) plus the DAE includes the lights. But animation doesn't seem to work
the furniture is at odd locations because i was testing animations, not because there was a problem on the import
but if i save a collada scene file with animation, the scene comes out all messed up in Blender --- is seems to be an issue of scaling, as if Blender's collada importer didn't read the animated transforms from the DAE
This looks truly Fantastic. You are a life saver . Thanks So much!
I'll see if I can get it going this week Amazing!
PS: Will the summer version export animation, you think?
note that if you export from carrara in DAE format and import it in Blender,using File/import the results are not that bad in fact the colors seem OK compares to the obj import (don't know whose fault) plus the DAE includes the lights. But animation doesn't seem to work
the furniture is at odd locations because i was testing animations, not because there was a problem on the import
but if i save a collada scene file with animation, the scene comes out all messed up in Blender --- is seems to be an issue of scaling, as if Blender's collada importer didn't read the animated transforms from the DAE
I am curious. Can you export the entire scene in DAE format from DAZ Studio 4.5 or does this just work from Carrara?
Another question... Do your Cycles material conversions scripts still work on a Carrara DAE scene import?
I am curious. Can you export the entire scene in DAE format from DAZ Studio 4.5 or does this just work from Carrara?
i think Daz Studio can only export full scenes ( sometimes or always, only what's visible )
exchanges done through Collada are often problematic, for instance the Sketchup dae files usually dont load well in Blender/daz
Carrara's non-animated collada files looked fine in Blender
note that a very very precious free file conversion tool is Audodesk FBX converter, it can convert a collada file to an fbx file, then convert this fbx into an obj or a few other formats, it sometimes work for 3DWaregouse models ( sketchup's KMZ files are in fact zip files containing a collada file and the texture images, you simply rename the .kmz to .zip, unzip )
I am curious. Can you export the entire scene in DAE format from DAZ Studio 4.5 or does this just work from Carrara?
Do your Cycles material conversions scripts still work on a Carrara DAE scene import?
i think Daz Studio can only export full scenes ( sometimes or always, only what's visible )
exchanges done through Collada are often problematic, for instance the Sketchup dae files usually dont load well in Blender/daz
Carrara's non-animated collada files looked fine in Blender
note that a very very precious free file conversion tool is Audodesk FBX converter, it can convert a collada file to an fbx file, then convert this fbx into an obj or a few other formats, it sometimes work for 3DWaregouse models ( sketchup's KMZ files are in fact zip files containing a collada file and the texture images, you simply rename the .kmz to .zip, unzip )
Casuall,, so thanks about your mchTeleBlender,, cycles render is amazing for me ,,,,,,,
then,, I want to ask some quesiton for material setting,, in Cycles of Blender ^^;
I often feel difficulity about "tears" and "eye lushes" material when export from daz studio
if there is good setting when export? or what seems best way to modify it?
(I can not understand clear still,,:red: how adjust material and shader in blender )
Or simply try and modify,, in blender? eg, I hope to Tear more transparent,,
in daz I simply opacity zero,, but in blender material window,, I can not clear where is the properties about opacity,
so just remove surfaces ,, but is there any good way,,?
And I sometimes need to apply texture again,, in blender (after export scene,, some texture missed or change ,,
Is it problem of setting when use your awsome script?
I hope to know about export option of materials ^^;
(I thik,, it is about Blender quesiton,, too,, so if it is wrong to ask here,, forgive me ^^;
I may need serch more better topic or make new topic,,,)
All props due, the plugin ROCKS!
I have some questions about it, though I did not get to really play with it before it was time to get up and go to work
I downloaded whatever version is on the google page as of 02/24/13
I'm using Blender 2.66 and Studio ADV 64bit Win 7 64 bit
• My eyes on V4 came out white, like "my name is legion for I am many" white on two figures, in 3Delight they look fine. Is there some surface need to look for that does not translate well to the plugin or is this a bug?
• Camera values below 65mm did not appear to translate to the export from Studio to Blender, is there a trick to this?
• A textured surface in Studio with the horizontal and vertical tiles both with a value of 10 seemed to react when rendered in Blender to have a tile value of 1. the offset was 0 on x,y
• Can I use Studio lights or should I use Blender lights, this will be an interior shot, I would like to use light sources in lamps and ceilings
• How do you use Blender lights?
i know poser can export sequences of numbered .obj files. But for Carrara i don't know if someone wrote a plugin or script to do it .
else i'll have to get acquainted with Carrara's plugin SDK.
the way mcjTeleblender treats transparency : you can make something transparent in Daz Studio and in Blender by applying a black texture image to the Opacity-Strength channel of the surface. if you make it dark-gray, then it;s a bit less transparent.
if you want to have a mirror effect, apply a texture (any texture it doesn't matter) to the Reflection-Color channel of that surface
about missing textures : sometimes when image-textures used on a figure are in PNG format, Daz Studio's exporter ( which is controlled by mcjTeleblender ) makes the error of listing it them as JPG images in the exported .mtl file. So later on, when Blender looks for that JPG image it cant be found.
One way to get around this is to turn ON the "Collect Images" option of mcjTeleblender, this way Daz's exporter will create a .JPG version of all images.and places them in a folder named "Maps"
for eye corneas i built a material as shown below : a mix shader between a transparent shader and a sharp-glossy shader , then i place a bright object in the sky, far away, and i get the eye glints.
then i used the material library trick explained in the mcjTeleblender manual. So i have a material preset for the corneas which is easy to re-use
..... eyes on V4 came out white .....
..... Camera values below 65mm did not appear to translate to the export from Studio to Blender .. .. .. .
..... with the horizontal and vertical tiles .......
...... Studio lights or should I use Blender lights, this will be an interior shot, I would like to use light sources in lamps and ceilings
• How do you use Blender lights?
eyes -- daz studio can make surfaces of the eye transparent by setting the opacity to 0%, but due to the method used to transfer the scene to Blender this was not possible. So to make something transparent, apply a fully-black image to the Opacity-Strength of the surface
cameras -- in the image below, i used a 35mm camera in daz studio and the result is correct in Blender
note that you must check-mark the "export current daz camera" check-box. Also, mcjTeleblender has a "Scale factor" setting which should be set to 1
tiling -- here again, since i use obj/mtl files to transfer the scene and it doesn't support tiling, the best i could do was to provide a texture coordinates block in Blender for any channel which includes an image map/texture, so you have to manually set the x and y uh "Scales" in the texture coordinates node/panel
lights - the daz lights are exported as point lights with a strength of 100 i think, it takes some experimentation to get acceptable results, personally i export the scenes without lights - then in blender i Add planes and make their surface emissive, and i almost always use a world environment map i took from http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive/ - the ones in "equirectangular" format. then i render the scene.
If the lighting setup and decor are good, i delete the figures and objects and save this as a blend file. Next time, in mcjTeleblender i use the "Scene File (,blend)" option to reuse that setup
i know poser can export sequences of numbered .obj files. But for Carrara i don't know if someone wrote a plugin or script to do it .
else i'll have to get acquainted with Carrara's plugin SDK.
and sorry to ask setting of blender (I need to more serch by myself ,, ) here.
ah,, and yes,, I found image was already aplied as jpg in blender material window, but sometimes it is different
(eg,, removed some pattern ) so, I serch and apply original it can work well..
I need to read more your kind "mcjTeleblender manual"
i'm still using Blender 2.64 but i'll get 2.66 and see if there's issues.
you're saying mcjTeleblender worked on the Macs? i think i tested it on Linux but i didn't think it worked for Macs
if you could try with a very very simple scene like just 1 primitive-cube we'd know the basics work, then try a cube with a texture-image, then maybe use a shader .... shaders can be a problem.
also note that when i tried rendering Aiko5 , she has too many large texture-images, and they dont fit on my 2GB graphics card, so i had to resize the texture images ... or render with the CPU . sometimes using "tiles" in the renderer settings helps.
... so, i'll get Blender 2.66 and test it right now
in unrelated news, rendering RiPoints in 3Delight
great work, man. This is seriously upping my Daz Studio game.
is there an update for the mcjblendbot files?
I don't see the zip for that one listed at the bottom of the site with the rest of the files.
the last version I have is from Oct. 2012.
Now when I try to import into Blender 2.66 (Mac version) I get the spinning beachball and it just hangs.
I'm definitely using the latest Feb. version of the Teleblend to export, so I guessed maybe it was the Blendbot.
Thanks much for any assistance.
oh i just thought of something ... when you installed the new Blender 2.66 maybe the blendbot files needed to be unzipped in its scripts/modules folder. or in mcjTeleblender you may need to re-set the path to Blender if it changed
yeah it definitely worked on Mac, I've been using it for a few months now. the below image as rendered out of Blender 2.63 (I know I screwed up the particle hair lol)
But it never would open the scene and render it, which is how I preferred it anyway. I would just run the script myself from inside Blender. But I had to put all the blendbot files into the Mac script directory -the path you mention for Windows of course would not be viable.
The last version it successfully worked in was 2.64, from 2.65 up it will just hang as soon as I run the script until I force quit the program.
Blender must have changed something after 2.64 in the Mac version to cause the script to fail.
No worries, though. I can always use 2.64 to load the scene, then just save it and re-open it in 2.66 to take advantage of the new features.
yeah it definitely worked on Mac, I've been using it for a few months now. the below image as rendered out of Blender 2.63 (I know I screwed up the particle hair lol)
But it never would open the scene and render it, which is how I preferred it anyway. I would just run the script myself from inside Blender. But I had to put all the blendbot files into the Mac script directory -the path you mention for Windows of course would not be viable.
The last version it successfully worked in was 2.64, from 2.65 up it will just hang as soon as I run the script until I force quit the program.
Blender must have changed something after 2.64 in the Mac version to cause the script to fail.
No worries, though. I can always use 2.64 to load the scene, then just save it and re-open it in 2.66 to take advantage of the new features.
Thanks for your help.
great render she looks like she could fit in BladeRunner :)
so after i installed the blendbot scripts ( which are exactly the ones on my google site ) it all seems to work
if you open the python script using wordpad or notepad you'll see it's not hard to figure what's going on
you could delete everything from that except the line that loads the .obj scene file : then re-add each one of the other lines, untill it starts refusing to load
I made sure the correct Blender path was set (although I note it was looking for Blender.exe, and not Blender.app for the mac). I don't think this even matters because the file doesn't automatically open in Blender anyway.
I tried your suggestion of deleting everything but the loadfix line, too, but there's still no luck when it comes to importing it into Blender -even with only that line it still hangs. I think there is some setting or preference that is "stuck" somewhere that makes the script output incorrectly now.
At one point I did use a blend file for materials, and ever since that point it would always add that particular file to the script, even though I had "process materials" set to Cycles Nodes. I think ever since this point it doesn't output correctly. There was no way to reset to defaults via the UI, so I ended up editing the preferences of DAZ 4.5 on the Mac, and deleting all references to the script, then I loaded it again and the defaults were back in place.
As a test I opened Blender 2.66 and loaded one of the earlier teleblend exports and it did indeed load fine. Then I went back and tried to load my new scene into Blender 2.64 -it loaded in just fine.
Another test - I went back to Daz 3 and exported a scene from there using the latest script (not my current scene as that is a .duf file).
I opened Blender 2.66, ran the script and the scene imported immediately, although curiously the camera was in the wrong spot as wallace reported. I changed the scale to 1%, re-exported and after that it imported perfectly into Blender 2.66.
It's always possible there's just something peculiar with my setup and Daz 4.5. When I get time I might make a fresh account on my Mac, then try loading it from there to see if it works.
For now I'll just have to keep loading them in 2.64, saving it and re-opening in the latest version. I appreciate you taking the time to test it, though.
What do you mean by "smoothing" the materials? Does that alter the mesh objects in any way?
in mcjTeleblender's panel there's a check-box option named "Set Smooth"
When it's On, just after the daz scene gets imported in Blender, all objects have the "smooth" modifier applied to them
without "smooth" all the objects look faceted
the only drawback is that faceted objects like cubes don't look flat
in Blender if you type T it makes the Object Tools panel visible
and in that panel there's a Smooth button and a Flat button
Oh, that's all it is. I haven't noticed a problem with smoothing so far. I usually add a level of subdivision for rendering which helps hair and clothing look better.
Love your Daz to Blender scripts! But I'm mainly using Carrara now. Any chance you can
can port your scripts to Carrara > Blender { cycles } export?
I think you'll find high end users with Carrara that would really appreciate it!
acually, the blender-script part of this can very probably be used to import obj. files from Carrara.
i plan to eventually post a script ( it sort of already exists ) to make it more user friendly, notably for rendering animations.
note that many of the tricks carrara can do wont be supported by the scripts since they are not part of the obj files
i'll make a test right now, i only have a standard Carrara --
test :
- i load the sample scene named "View of back and table Lamps"
- i save it as an obj with the default options --- i save it as C:\teleblender\Back and Table Lamps.obj
- i load it in Blender to see if it's accepted .... yes !
- so i write a small standard python script ( i base it on one of the scripts produced by mcjTeleBlender/Daz )
i save it as C:\teleblender\Back and Table Lamps.py
( note how we use front-slashes instead of backslashes for the path to carrara's .obj file )
then i write a batchfile named C:\teleblender\Back and Table Lamps.bat
i cross my fingers and i launch "Back and Table Lamps.bat"
yay ! i'm in blender, the scene was loaded and my mcjBlendBot scripts did the huge work of converting all the materials in the scene into material/nodes
the scene is too big and hard to handle, so i click on 'A' to selecte everything and scale it down by typing S and 0.1
i create a camera, position it
add a few lights by converting their materials to "emissive"
the result is shown below - ( interior scenes with few small lights are always noisy, this is a 1000 samples render )
so if you understood what i did here you can render some Carrara scenes in Blender/Cycles today !
but as i was saying i plan to make it easier , by writing a Blender or a Carrara script ... this spring or summer :)
the second image shows the export settings i used in Carrara
WOW Casual!
This looks truly Fantastic. You are a life saver . Thanks So much!
I'll see if I can get it going this week Amazing!
PS: Will the summer version export animation, you think?
there will be animation yes, on blender's side it's just a matter of writing a python script as shown above but with 1 line per .obj file to render and a batch file with 1 line per obj file to render. Those 2 files would be generated by blender after you specify where your .obj files are located.
i know poser can export sequences of numbered .obj files. But for Carrara i don't know if someone wrote a plugin or script to do it .
else i'll have to get acquainted with Carrara's plugin SDK.
10000 samples blender-cycles render
note that if you export from carrara in DAE format and import it in Blender,using File/import the results are not that bad in fact the colors seem OK compares to the obj import (don't know whose fault) plus the DAE includes the lights. But animation doesn't seem to work
the furniture is at odd locations because i was testing animations, not because there was a problem on the import
but if i save a collada scene file with animation, the scene comes out all messed up in Blender --- is seems to be an issue of scaling, as if Blender's collada importer didn't read the animated transforms from the DAE
note that if you export from carrara in DAE format and import it in Blender,using File/import the results are not that bad in fact the colors seem OK compares to the obj import (don't know whose fault) plus the DAE includes the lights. But animation doesn't seem to work
the furniture is at odd locations because i was testing animations, not because there was a problem on the import
but if i save a collada scene file with animation, the scene comes out all messed up in Blender --- is seems to be an issue of scaling, as if Blender's collada importer didn't read the animated transforms from the DAE
I am curious. Can you export the entire scene in DAE format from DAZ Studio 4.5 or does this just work from Carrara?
Another question... Do your Cycles material conversions scripts still work on a Carrara DAE scene import?
i found part of the reason the materials in the .obj file from carrrara didnt work very well
it's better to avoid having blank spaces in the filenames and in the material names
down the road, my blenderBot scripts will be able to pre-process the .mtl files and make them "presentable" in Blender's eye
i think Daz Studio can only export full scenes ( sometimes or always, only what's visible )
exchanges done through Collada are often problematic, for instance the Sketchup dae files usually dont load well in Blender/daz
Carrara's non-animated collada files looked fine in Blender
note that a very very precious free file conversion tool is Audodesk FBX converter, it can convert a collada file to an fbx file, then convert this fbx into an obj or a few other formats, it sometimes work for 3DWaregouse models ( sketchup's KMZ files are in fact zip files containing a collada file and the texture images, you simply rename the .kmz to .zip, unzip )
in the image below you see a saz studio 4.5 scene exported as collada, then imported in Blender
there would be issues to fix but at least there's animation
i think Daz Studio can only export full scenes ( sometimes or always, only what's visible )
exchanges done through Collada are often problematic, for instance the Sketchup dae files usually dont load well in Blender/daz
Carrara's non-animated collada files looked fine in Blender
note that a very very precious free file conversion tool is Audodesk FBX converter, it can convert a collada file to an fbx file, then convert this fbx into an obj or a few other formats, it sometimes work for 3DWaregouse models ( sketchup's KMZ files are in fact zip files containing a collada file and the texture images, you simply rename the .kmz to .zip, unzip )
in the image below you see a saz studio 4.5 scene exported as collada, then imported in Blender
there would be issues to fix but at least there's animation
On Friday Ton posted this tweet, lets hope COLLADA gains some momentum!
Do your Cycles material conversions scripts still work on a Carrara DAE scene import?
Casuall,, so thanks about your mchTeleBlender,, cycles render is amazing for me ,,,,,,,
then,, I want to ask some quesiton for material setting,, in Cycles of Blender ^^;
I often feel difficulity about "tears" and "eye lushes" material when export from daz studio
if there is good setting when export? or what seems best way to modify it?
(I can not understand clear still,,:red: how adjust material and shader in blender )
Or simply try and modify,, in blender? eg, I hope to Tear more transparent,,
in daz I simply opacity zero,, but in blender material window,, I can not clear where is the properties about opacity,
so just remove surfaces ,, but is there any good way,,?
And I sometimes need to apply texture again,, in blender (after export scene,, some texture missed or change ,,
Is it problem of setting when use your awsome script?
I hope to know about export option of materials ^^;
(I thik,, it is about Blender quesiton,, too,, so if it is wrong to ask here,, forgive me ^^;
I may need serch more better topic or make new topic,,,)
Edit (I set wrong image,, so correct now :shut: )
All props due, the plugin ROCKS!
I have some questions about it, though I did not get to really play with it before it was time to get up and go to work
I downloaded whatever version is on the google page as of 02/24/13
I'm using Blender 2.66 and Studio ADV 64bit Win 7 64 bit
• My eyes on V4 came out white, like "my name is legion for I am many" white on two figures, in 3Delight they look fine. Is there some surface need to look for that does not translate well to the plugin or is this a bug?
• Camera values below 65mm did not appear to translate to the export from Studio to Blender, is there a trick to this?
• A textured surface in Studio with the horizontal and vertical tiles both with a value of 10 seemed to react when rendered in Blender to have a tile value of 1. the offset was 0 on x,y
• Can I use Studio lights or should I use Blender lights, this will be an interior shot, I would like to use light sources in lamps and ceilings
• How do you use Blender lights?
Here is a 3$ plugin that export multiple obj files from Carrara for animation, free demo does 10 frames:
Thank you for trying to get Carrara into Cycles.
the way mcjTeleblender treats transparency : you can make something transparent in Daz Studio and in Blender by applying a black texture image to the Opacity-Strength channel of the surface. if you make it dark-gray, then it;s a bit less transparent.
if you want to have a mirror effect, apply a texture (any texture it doesn't matter) to the Reflection-Color channel of that surface
about missing textures : sometimes when image-textures used on a figure are in PNG format, Daz Studio's exporter ( which is controlled by mcjTeleblender ) makes the error of listing it them as JPG images in the exported .mtl file. So later on, when Blender looks for that JPG image it cant be found.
One way to get around this is to turn ON the "Collect Images" option of mcjTeleblender, this way Daz's exporter will create a .JPG version of all images.and places them in a folder named "Maps"
for eye corneas i built a material as shown below : a mix shader between a transparent shader and a sharp-glossy shader , then i place a bright object in the sky, far away, and i get the eye glints.
then i used the material library trick explained in the mcjTeleblender manual. So i have a material preset for the corneas which is easy to re-use
eyes -- daz studio can make surfaces of the eye transparent by setting the opacity to 0%, but due to the method used to transfer the scene to Blender this was not possible. So to make something transparent, apply a fully-black image to the Opacity-Strength of the surface
cameras -- in the image below, i used a 35mm camera in daz studio and the result is correct in Blender
note that you must check-mark the "export current daz camera" check-box. Also, mcjTeleblender has a "Scale factor" setting which should be set to 1
tiling -- here again, since i use obj/mtl files to transfer the scene and it doesn't support tiling, the best i could do was to provide a texture coordinates block in Blender for any channel which includes an image map/texture, so you have to manually set the x and y uh "Scales" in the texture coordinates node/panel
lights - the daz lights are exported as point lights with a strength of 100 i think, it takes some experimentation to get acceptable results, personally i export the scenes without lights - then in blender i Add planes and make their surface emissive, and i almost always use a world environment map i took from http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive/ - the ones in "equirectangular" format. then i render the scene.
If the lighting setup and decor are good, i delete the figures and objects and save this as a blend file. Next time, in mcjTeleblender i use the "Scene File (,blend)" option to reuse that setup
Here is a 3$ plugin that export multiple obj files from Carrara for animation, free demo does 10 frames:
Thank you for trying to get Carrara into Cycles.
maybe i'll try my hand at collada, and add some python code to fix the problems with animated objects (ah the joys of transform matrix'es ...kidding )
Casual,, thank you much many advices ^^;
and sorry to ask setting of blender (I need to more serch by myself ,, ) here.
ah,, and yes,, I found image was already aplied as jpg in blender material window, but sometimes it is different
(eg,, removed some pattern ) so, I serch and apply original it can work well..
I need to read more your kind "mcjTeleblender manual"
Hi Casual,
please see the PM I just sent to you. =)
Hey Casual,
great work, man. This is seriously upping my Daz Studio game.
is there an update for the mcjblendbot files?
I don't see the zip for that one listed at the bottom of the site with the rest of the files.
the last version I have is from Oct. 2012.
Now when I try to import into Blender 2.66 (Mac version) I get the spinning beachball and it just hangs.
I'm definitely using the latest Feb. version of the Teleblend to export, so I guessed maybe it was the Blendbot.
Thanks much for any assistance.
hi jg
today i added a new script for Carrara users to mcjBlendBot , it's the same as the october 2012 one, just with an added script.
i'm still using Blender 2.64 but i'll get 2.66 and see if there's issues.
you're saying mcjTeleblender worked on the Macs? i think i tested it on Linux but i didn't think it worked for Macs
if you could try with a very very simple scene like just 1 primitive-cube we'd know the basics work, then try a cube with a texture-image, then maybe use a shader .... shaders can be a problem.
also note that when i tried rendering Aiko5 , she has too many large texture-images, and they dont fit on my 2GB graphics card, so i had to resize the texture images ... or render with the CPU . sometimes using "tiles" in the renderer settings helps.
... so, i'll get Blender 2.66 and test it right now
in unrelated news, rendering RiPoints in 3Delight
oh i just thought of something ... when you installed the new Blender 2.66 maybe the blendbot files needed to be unzipped in its scripts/modules folder. or in mcjTeleblender you may need to re-set the path to Blender if it changed
ok i tried it, and indeed with 2.66 it's not working, Blender opens with an empty scene
but that's normal, if i look in
C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\modules
there's no mcjBlendBot files since they are not installed
so i copy them from the folder
C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.64\scripts\modules
( all the files with names starting in "mcj" )
and ... testing ...
it works ! yay
oops ... not so fast ... there seem to be a problem with the "World" environment
but the scene is loaded and rendering
doesn't seem like a major problem but the World/Background image doesnt seem to be applied with blender 2.66
oops strike that ... they still work !
( i told mcjTeleblender not to use a world environment ... and that's exactly what it did )
Hey Casual,
yeah it definitely worked on Mac, I've been using it for a few months now. the below image as rendered out of Blender 2.63 (I know I screwed up the particle hair lol)
But it never would open the scene and render it, which is how I preferred it anyway. I would just run the script myself from inside Blender. But I had to put all the blendbot files into the Mac script directory -the path you mention for Windows of course would not be viable.
The last version it successfully worked in was 2.64, from 2.65 up it will just hang as soon as I run the script until I force quit the program.
Blender must have changed something after 2.64 in the Mac version to cause the script to fail.
No worries, though. I can always use 2.64 to load the scene, then just save it and re-open it in 2.66 to take advantage of the new features.
Thanks for your help.
great render she looks like she could fit in BladeRunner :)
so after i installed the blendbot scripts ( which are exactly the ones on my google site ) it all seems to work
if you open the python script using wordpad or notepad you'll see it's not hard to figure what's going on
see below
you could delete everything from that except the line that loads the .obj scene file :
then re-add each one of the other lines, untill it starts refusing to load
everything works in blender 2.66. the only problem i get is the camera position is off
in my case the camera seems identical to Daz Studio
it's more accurate to use 1% as the "Scale %" factor in mcjTeleblender, but it's not supposed to make the camera look off
if you used one of the orthographic cameras Left, Right, Front etc... they wont be transferred correctly
i use 2% because everything i build around my daz exports are on a scale of 1 = 0.615 in blender
Hey Casual,
Ok I gave it a shot, but still no go.
I made sure the correct Blender path was set (although I note it was looking for Blender.exe, and not Blender.app for the mac). I don't think this even matters because the file doesn't automatically open in Blender anyway.
I tried your suggestion of deleting everything but the loadfix line, too, but there's still no luck when it comes to importing it into Blender -even with only that line it still hangs. I think there is some setting or preference that is "stuck" somewhere that makes the script output incorrectly now.
At one point I did use a blend file for materials, and ever since that point it would always add that particular file to the script, even though I had "process materials" set to Cycles Nodes. I think ever since this point it doesn't output correctly. There was no way to reset to defaults via the UI, so I ended up editing the preferences of DAZ 4.5 on the Mac, and deleting all references to the script, then I loaded it again and the defaults were back in place.
As a test I opened Blender 2.66 and loaded one of the earlier teleblend exports and it did indeed load fine. Then I went back and tried to load my new scene into Blender 2.64 -it loaded in just fine.
Another test - I went back to Daz 3 and exported a scene from there using the latest script (not my current scene as that is a .duf file).
I opened Blender 2.66, ran the script and the scene imported immediately, although curiously the camera was in the wrong spot as wallace reported. I changed the scale to 1%, re-exported and after that it imported perfectly into Blender 2.66.
It's always possible there's just something peculiar with my setup and Daz 4.5. When I get time I might make a fresh account on my Mac, then try loading it from there to see if it works.
For now I'll just have to keep loading them in 2.64, saving it and re-opening in the latest version. I appreciate you taking the time to test it, though.