Increase render time upgrade

I may have mentioned this before, but... Next upgrade, can Daz please introuce a function to increase/extend the render time after it has already started rendering in Iray? It's quite annoying at present because you don't know how long will be needed. Two hours is normally adequate, but sometimes the time is nearly run and the picture is still only about 4% done and still blocky. It's inefficient to have to cancel it after that amount of time has gone by and to have to start rendering all over again. 


  • If you render to a window, rather than to a file, then you can find a little button mid-way down on the left which will give a subset of render Settings that you can adjust and then click Resume to continue the render

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Also, I believe you can resume a canceled render if you leave the render window open and all you change is the basic render settings (like time, itterations, etc.)

  • Why don't you just start your render with the Max Time parameter pushed up to some big value. If you're happy with how it looks after two hours, you can stop it. Otherwise, just let it keep running.

  • If you change it from the default 7200 to 0, it runs until it's at 100% or you stop it. 

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