Cloth object from Marvelous Designer explodes while dforcing in Daz studio

Please! Help me! I`m desperate! I tried all the ways offered by people with the same problems, but nothing works! Clothes either explode or disappear while i dforce items from MD! HEEEELP :3



  • Were they made around the base shape or a morphed figure? Are you starting the simulation from a zero pose (via the timeline or starting from a memorised zero pose) or from a final pose?

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited November 2018

    More info required; that would be much more than the two questions I ask.

    Are the parts of the clothes intersecting?

    Do different layers have the same layer number?

    Images of items, screen shots of settings, what you've tried etc, and etc.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    Try setting Bend Stiffness of all surfaces to 0.2 and see if it helps. It's works for me for items with any/many triangular faces. Also, as Richard indicated, start from memorized pose.

  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108
    edited November 2018

    1. Check for unused vertices (MD has a knack for that) in Geometry Editor mode right click garment in viewport/Geometry Editing/Removed Unused Vertices

    2. Check for colliding/intersecting vertices via Geometry Editor/Vertex Mode/right click Simulation Settings Tab/Select dForce Starting Collision Vertices and it will highlight if there are any colliding vertices, fix those in a modelling app and try again.

    3. In simulation surfaces the default Bend Stiffness is generally the first setting to change, reduce drastically (even down to minimum on slider) especially if mesh is triangles.

    4. The layers setting will only make a difference if you have set Collision Mode from default Better-Continuous :CCDVertex-Face to Good-Discrete :Swept Vertex

    If all of the above fails it really would be helpful to see some images :)

    Post edited by Aave Nainen on
  • D OvD Ov Posts: 103


    I tried to follow the suggesitons above. After I did step 2 it highligted all the verertices where I have stitches. If I remove those, the garment will fall apart. I suppose the issue gets more complicated when I have lining as a seprate layer. How would I go about that?


    404 x 333 - 29K
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    D Ov said:


    I tried to follow the suggesitons above. After I did step 2 it highligted all the verertices where I have stitches. If I remove those, the garment will fall apart. I suppose the issue gets more complicated when I have lining as a seprate layer. How would I go about that?


    I can't recall ever seeing a garment with a real lining in Daz's store.  You'd need to use a two-sided shader for that effect, or else create a separate garment.

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