Post, Roast, be Roasted thread

RULES: anybody posting to this thread fair game for parody and must agree to allow this
RENDERS ONLY no personal comments except maybe title
comments on renders OK
following users gave me green light to parody them and I expect a response soon
my updated avatar, see also profile pic to parody me

1414 x 2000 - 3M

1920 x 1080 - 4M
Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
I approve this tread. I pity the Fool that don't, or in this case, does.
I even poke fun at myself as you see here.
Oh Wendy, I love you.. truly, you almsot always manage to bring a smile to my face (together with a select other few people on this forum.. the beloved Jade above for example ;P )
(and yes, I do agree to let you do what you feel like :) )
I approve of parody. People taking life and themselves too seriously have a hard time around me :)
Classy Jaderail! An immortal being needs to make a living even in today's world. What he does for a living, I'll leave to you imagination.
Che decided she needed a new image too
must love Ferrets
The Laughing Fool is ready to kick back very soon! :)
*squeeees* So cute and.. and.. ferret !!!
The Laughing Fool is ready to kick back very soon! :)
I'm feeling much the same way Moohaha :coolgrin:
But till then, I shall post my latest Avy
@Cho that is a stunning new look, great stuff :)
Used car salesman? :lol:
BTW, that's an extremely realistic render.
What renderer are you using?
Used car salesman? :lol:
BTW, that's an extremely realistic render.
What renderer are you using?
Am just using 3delight all custom shader settings really, AoA SSS for characters and HSS for almost everything else. I only use ray traced shadows and lower shadow bias. Character textures are very much custom made too.
Beautiful work Spyro! And I love the Jaderail and Chohole images too. You have a wonderful sense of humor. :)
tjohn I know who you are!
I approve of ferrets. And parody.
(I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a ferret lover without a sense of humor... ;-) )
Actually, you may have me confused with my brother, Tom. :)
I'll start with a little self-parody (it's only logical, one might say).
Oh Gods, you can't have a ferret without LOADS of humor :)
OMG!! Where can I get that expression set? It's perfect for my Jade stuff.
:lol: find that interesting. :blank:
Scott-L- I guess you can say your persona is the image we would find in the dictionary for "stoic." Nothing fazes you. :)
some others
lmao Nice Wendy
Hey Scott, how does everyone's monitors taste? :P
I disagree. Everything Wendy does is a bit "off". :lol:
I disagree. Everything Wendy does is a bit "off". :lol:
QFT! :lol:
Quoted for Truth
All right folks, we all seen and agreed to the roasting. Lets see some of you folks roast one of the others. I'm working on a Roast right now.
for Novica (hugs)
Oh Wendy, thank you! You know, the background behind the horse looks like the woodsy area by the covered bridge on the property. You captured not only the essence of the ranch (peaceful) but also the actual physical properties too! What a treat to have such a gorgeous virtual friend. HUGS to you too! :)