Please include the product file sizes before I purchase it.

I think that every purchase coming out of DAZ should include information about the size of the files we are looking to purchase.  I've bought some products that shall remain nameless that had rediculous file sizes for the product on offer.. I remember one that was 10 gigabytes and all it offered was a few placards of characters made in DAZ to populate scenes.. Had I know just what a waste of space the product was going to be, I would have never purchased it..

If you start to show the file sizes I'm certain it will get the product creators to start taking steps to reduce file sizes.


  • I think that every purchase coming out of DAZ should include information about the size of the files we are looking to purchase.  I've bought some products that shall remain nameless that had rediculous file sizes for the product on offer.. I remember one that was 10 gigabytes and all it offered was a few placards of characters made in DAZ to populate scenes.. Had I know just what a waste of space the product was going to be, I would have never purchased it..

    The billboards are not a few placards as they include multiple angles on the same figure, hence the size of the download - but that doesn't reflect the size in a scene, as you need only one of the views for each billboard

    If you start to show the file sizes I'm certain it will get the product creators to start taking steps to reduce file sizes.

    Don't forget that feature requests fro daz need to go in a support ticket

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