Elementary school rooms and preschool rooms

nomad-ads_8ecd56922enomad-ads_8ecd56922e Posts: 1,937
edited November 2018 in Product Suggestions

Something I've noticed lately is that there seem to be a number of things released that are High School This and High School That.  I.e. hallways and restrooms and schoolrooms and whatnot.  If I do a search for Elementary, as in Elementary School, it finds nothing at all, and shunts me over to a search for Elemental (as in magic, or as in atomic).  Doing a search for Preschool gives me only 5 or 6 things, only two of which are actually have Preschool in the name, and of those, one of them was poses, the other was a costume, and the rest seem to be child characters or clothes, and hair (!!!) or such.  And one item was some cute kids-furniture (and was a product which I also already have), but no school-rooms.

I DID find (and purchase) Interiors The Playschool, though, which clearly looks like a first or second grade elementary school room, or possibly a preschool.   There is also Play School Props for Little Ones (which I also have), which clearly looks like something you might also see in a first grader's school room.  There's also Interiors The Classroom (which I have) that could easily be used as an elementary school room.  On the other hand, the school restrooms, school cafaterias, and whatnot that I've seen all seem to be specifically called High School this and High School that, and are clearly designed with that in mind.  While it's not that hard to convert some of these over to look plausible for an elementary school, it doesn't always necessarily work as well as you might like.  For instance, I loaded High School Bathroom, plopped a 6-year-old character next to the sinks for scale, and then moved a couple of the sinks down to his hight, and then moved the next couple of them to about halfway between that hight and the original hight, leaving the rest of them at the original hight.  Then I went to move the air hand-driers downward proportionally... and discovered that to put the lower of those down to his appropriate hight, the bottom of it wound up inside the floor.  Still, in a pinch that bathroom COULD still work as an elementary school restroom.... but I have also seen some elementary school restrooms that were devised VERY different than the middle-school ones in the next building over.  I.e. the elementary school restroom had one big, collective sink towards the front of the room, where all the kids stand around the outside of this one large fixture, washing their hands all at the same time, which was activated by one or more of the students placing their foot onto a metal ring going around the bottom of the whole fixture, while the restroom in the other building had a row of conventional, individual sinks up near the door.

At that, hallways in elementary schools either don't have lockers, or the lockers are of an entirely different, simpler, and shorter design than the ones at the middle school and above. In fact, for elementary school students they'd probably just be open shelves for the students to place their things into, and are usually located in the classrooms instead of in the halls. True, you could probably simply hide the lockers, but there are probably a number of other subtle but present differences between hallways in elementary schools than those in middle schools and high schools.  I'm scratching my head wondering why we don't seem to be focussing on the entire range of school life from preschool onwards.... but most of the school rooms I'm seeing seem to be High School this and High School that.

(Bah, and I suddenly feel like I should be BACK in school, because I keep spotting a gazillion typos I needed to go back in and fix.  Chalk it up to it being 4am...)

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