About Alembic Exporter

Hi - does anyone have experience using the Alembic Exporter ?

I've made animations in DAZ Studio that don't come across quite right in Carrara and wondered if this would fix that.

If you did use this to bring something from DAZ Studio to Carrara, would you be able to make any adjustments to the animation after the fact or are you locked in to exactly what was exported?

Would this allow you to bring Genesis 3 characters into Carrara for Lighting and rendering?

Thanks for any suggestions.


  • you would need an Alembic importer for Carrara

    certainly it works well with Octane standalone which I bought it for and presumably Hitfilm Pro, I only have free express, a number of other softwares support it too, know some Cinema 4D and Lighwave users use it, its a series of animated vertex morphs essentialy 

    the Carrara DCG obj series importer and Casuals DS obj series exporter might be useful to you

  • ok - thanks for the information

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