Rebuilding database?

When I got a new hard drive this past February, I had to reinstall everything. When I reinstalled DS4, I used my old hard drive to drag over my content to the new hard drive and putting it in the same folders. I even brought over the files that said they were ds database files. But none of it will load.
Every time I try to load anything in DS4P, it says it can't find it and make sure it's installed in the correct location. It is, it's in the My Library folder with everything else. All my newer DS content will load, but none of the stuff that I dragged over from the other hard drive will load.
Can I somehow force DS4P to rebuild the entire database? Also none of the categories are showing anymore either, and neither is any of the smart content.
I just don't know what to do and I can't reinstall all my content.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Okay, several separate issues:
1) Take a look at the Content Library tab -- if there's no triangle next to Categories, then the Content Management Service isn't running. Shut down DS4, then go to Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D > DAZ Content Management Service and click on "Start DAZ Content Management Service".
2) If the CMS is running but your Categories are still empty, the database files you copied over may have been corrupted. You want to make sure the CMS is stopped on both machines before copying over the database files.
3) If the CMS is running but nothing shows in Smart Content, go to the Content Library tab, Options menu (the rectangle with horizontal lines in the upper corner) and choose "Content DB Maintenance > Re-Import Metadata".
4) If your content isn't showing in the "DAZ Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" but the folders are there, make sure you have the content folders correctly defined, and that you don't have Runtime or Content folders nested.
Stupid question of the day: did you copy the Data folder too?
Most likely the path is slightly different. In my tutorials link below is a tutorial on moving the DS4 CMS from one computer to another. See if that helps.
@Fixmypcmike "3) If the CMS is running but nothing shows in Smart Content, go to the Content Library tab, Options menu (the rectangle with horizontal lines in the upper corner) and choose "Content DB Maintenance > Re-Import Metadata"."
This. When installing a new machine from scratch, old content directory is imported with this. I've been searching for this information for HOURS :)
Thank you!